1.0.2 • Published 4 years ago

yapidoc-cli v1.0.2

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4 years ago



yapidoc-cli 是在apidoc文档编写的基础上,实现一键同步api文档到yapi的命令行工具,同时也提供swagger文档一键同步到yapi, api接口请按照apidoc 规范编写

    npm install -g apidoc-swagger
    npm install -g yapidoc-cli


  • 查看帮助文档
$ yapidoc-cli -h
用法: index.js <cmd> [options]

  index.js ls      列出指定的api,默认所有
  index.js build   生成生成swagger.json文档
  index.js update  更新指定api接口到yapi,默认所有

  --config, -c  指定配置文件                                            [字符串]
  -v            显示版本号                                                [布尔]
  -h            显示帮助信息                                              [布尔]
  • 配置文件模板如下
        "name": "Test API - This is my API",
        "version": "1.0.0",
        "description": "This is my very powerful API",
        "title": "Test API - This is my API",
        "url": "https://testapi.com"
        "token": "ssdfaskjfasfifsfnaskjfhaifnfk",
        "host": "http://xxx.yapi.com",
        "merge": "normal"
  • 配置文件参数说明

    apidoc : apidoc的配置项目详见apidoc.json

    yapidoc: yapi的配置项

    		1. token : 每个项目都有唯一的标识 token,用户可以使用这个 token 值来请求 openapi
    2. host:内网/外网部署的yapi地址
    3. merge: normal, good, mergin, 默认为normal
  • 设置配置文件

    yapidoc-cli -c=你的配置文件
  • 编写apidoc 文档, 如下
     * @apiDefine UserNotFoundError
     * @apiError UserNotFound The id of the User was not found.
     * @apiErrorExample Error-Response:
     *     HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
     *     {
     *       "error": "UserNotFound"
     *     }

     * @api {get} /user/:id Request User information
     * @apiName GetUser
     * @apiGroup User
     * @apiParam {Number} id Users unique ID.
     * @apiSuccess {String} firstname Firstname of the User.
     * @apiSuccess {String} lastname  Lastname of the User.
     * @apiSuccessExample Success-Response:
     *     HTTP/1.1 200 OK
     *     {
     *       "firstname": "John",
     *       "lastname": "Doe"
     *     }
     * @apiUse UserNotFoundError

     * @api {put} /user/ Modify User information
     * @apiName PutUser
     * @apiGroup User
     * @apiParam {Number} id          Users unique ID.
     * @apiParam {String} [firstname] Firstname of the User.
     * @apiParam {String} [lastname]  Lastname of the User.
     * @apiSuccessExample Success-Response:
     *     HTTP/1.1 200 OK
     * @apiUse UserNotFoundError
  • 编译生成文档
    yapidoc-cli build -i=/d/selfProject/yapidoc-cli/test -o=/d/selfProject/yapidoc-cli/test -t=a
    1. -i 项目api接口的目录
    2. -o 编译结果输出目录(t=a时必填) 
    3. -t a表示apidoc s表示对swagger.json文件操作
    4. 以上路径暂支持绝对路径
  • 查看文档
    $ yapidoc-cli ls -m=get -u=/user/
    ----------- api list --------------
		url: /user/ method: put
   	$ yapidoc-cli ls
		----------- api list --------------
		url: /user/:id method: get
		url: /user/ method: put
    1. m http请求方法
    2. u url
    3. m 和 u 同时满足时,输出接口详情
    4. m 和 u 不传,默认输出所有api列表
  • 更新文档到yapi
   $ yapidoc-cli update
	----------- 接口更新结果:成功导入接口 0 个, 已存在的接口 2 个 --------------
	----------- api list --------------
	url: /user/:id method: get
	url: /user/ method: put
    1. 参数同ls
    2. 同步指定的api到yapi,默认同步所有
  • 说明
 	1. ls, update暂时还依赖于build,只有build成功后才能操作最新的api文档

4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago