1.1.0 • Published 4 years ago

yellowcard-bitcoin-api v1.1.0

Weekly downloads
Last release
4 years ago

enter image description here


Serverless api to interact with the yellowcard bitcoin node

Structural flow

enter image description here

Recieving Transaction

The flow of how receiving a transaction works Untitled Diagram (1)


All Function calls on this repo is invoked internally

~ getNodeInfo

description:- view node details

data:- none


description:- view wallet details

data: - none


description:- view all wallets created in node

data:- none


description:- view all accounts in node and their balance

data:- none


description:- view details about a specific account

data:- accountName


description:- create a wallet account

data:- name(string), passphase(string)


description:- view all transaction performed by wallet

data:- none


description:- get the current recieving address of an account

data:- accountName


description:- generate a new recieving wallet for an account

data:- accountName


description:- get an account detail using a wallet address

data:- accountName


description:- get total balance in an account

data:- accountName


description:- Create a raw tnx to external wallet

data:- address(string), amount(string), fee(number)


description:- Send btc to external wallet

data:- rawtx


description:- get all transactions made by an account

data:- txid


description:- get transaction details using a tx hash

data:- txid(string)


description:- estimates the fees require to add a transaction to the block



Clone the repository and install dependencies

git clone https://github.com/yellowcardfinancial/yellowcard-bitcoin-api.git
cd yellowcard-bitcoin-api

Ensure Node Version

Download and install: NVM — Node Version Manager

nvm install 8.10.0
nvm use node

And now you're ready to install dependencies.

npm install

Run Development Server

This will start a server on localhost:3000 and will run an instance of the API

sls offline start

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