2.2.5 • Published 4 years ago

yet-another-discord.js-musicbot-addon v2.2.5

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4 years ago

Yet Another Discord MusicBot Addon

An easily customizable Node.js based music extension/bot for Discord.js@12.0.0 (master) projects using YouTube. Doesn't have inbuilt command handling, either use discord.js-commando or make your own. Supports multiple servers.


Common to all functions is a discord.js/discord.js-commando message object. | Function | Description | Parameters | | ----------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | async playFunction(msg, query, force = false) | Plays the song specified in the query | query: is the search query, can be URLs, force: boolean(to force playback instead of adding to the queue) | | pauseFunction(msg) | Pauses current song playback | | | resumeFunction(msg) | Resumes current song playback | | | stopFunction(msg) | Stops current song playback and clears the queue | | | clearFunction(msg) | Clears the queue | | | async joinFunction(msg) | Joins the channel | | | leaveFunction(msg) | Leaves the channel | | | repeatFunction(msg, mode) | Changes the repeat modes for the playback | mode: one|all|off | | shuffleFunction(msg) | Shuffles the current queue | | | skipFunction(msg) | Skips current song | | | previousFunction(msg) | Plays most recently played song from history | | | removeFunction(msg, songIndex) | Removes a song at particular index from the queue | songIndex: number | | volumeFunction(msg, volume) | Sets volume of playback | volume: number: 0<=x<=200 | | nowPlayingFunction(msg) | Shows currently playing song, with it's info, also has cool reaction buttons to control playback. | | | showHistoryFunction(msg) | Shows history of playback | | | showQueueFunction(msg) | Shows queue | | | searchFiltersModeFunction(msg, mode) | Enable or disable search filters | mode: on|off | | setSearchFiltersFunction(msg, filters) | Set search filters | filters: array | | showSearchFiltersFunction(msg) | Show current search filters and status of search filters | |


Pre-installation: 1. npm install github:discordjs/discord.js

  1. npm install node-opus or npm install opusscript Required for voice. Discord.js prefers node-opus.


  • npm install yet-another-discord.js-musicbot-addon Long name I know 😁


Basic Bot Example

// Require the Discord.js client or Discord.js-commando client.
const Discord = require('discord.js');
const client = new Discord.Client();
// Import the MusicClient Class from the module
const MusicClient = require("yet-another-discord.js-musicbot-addon");
// Put the Music module in the new Client object.
// This allows for easy access to all the modules
// functions and data.
client.music = new MusicClient(client, {
  // Set the api key used for YouTube.
  // This is required to run the bot.
	apiKey: "YouTubeAPIKeyHere",
	//all other options are optional
	defVolume: 50,
	bitRate: 12000,
	maxHistory: 50,
	maxQueue: 100,
	searchFilters: ['cover', 'live', 'remix', 'mix', 'parody', 'hour', 'extended', 'trailer'],
	color: 13632027,
	logger: logger()
// Connect the bot with your Discord applications bot token.

Commands example
See the examples directory.
Currently I have only discord.js-commando examples there, but you can use any kind-of command parser.

Options & Config.

apiKey option is only required, other options are optional and thus not needed.
The options you can pass in new MusicClient(client,{options}) and their types is as followed:

Basic Options.

apiKeyStringA YouTube Data API3 key. Required to run.NaN
defVolumeNumberThe default volume of music. 1 - 100.50
bitRateStringSets the preferred bitRate for the Discord.js stream to use."120000"
maxHistoryNumberMax history size allowed.50
maxQueueNumberMax queue size allowed.500
searchFiltersObject/ArrayList of filters for the YouTube query search, ignores results matching the filters unless specified in query.
maxHistoryNumberMax history size allowed.50
colorNumberColor of the embeds.13632027
autoLeaveInNumberSpecifies the amount of time after which the bot leaves channel after playback (in ms), 0 to disable auto leave.5 60 1000 (5 min)
loggerClass or FunctionFor custom logger.console

4 years ago


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5 years ago