0.1.1 • Published 6 years ago

yiss v0.1.1

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6 years ago

yiss v0.1.1

Aww yiss. HTTP routing with finesse.

let Router = require('yiss')

let api = new Router({
  name: 'My API', // For debugging (useful if you have many routers)
  prefix: '/v1/', // Only match requests whose paths begin with this


The Router class can be very flexible. I recommend you read this entire section to understand what's available to you.

Let's start with the basics.

Before we declare a route, let's learn how to match a route, so we can have a better idea of how the Router works.

// Bind the router with (req, res) => {}
let run = api.bind()

// The return value depends on which route handled the request.
let result = run(req, res)

When a route is found that matches the request path, the req and res are passed to it. If the route returns a truthy value, the run function assumes the request has been handled, and the truthy value is returned by the run function. If the route returns a falsy value, the run function continues its search for a route. If the run function never finds a suitable route, it returns undefined.

Now, what to do with the run function's return value? I recommend using slush as your HTTP server, which will inspect the return value and send a proper response. Of course, you can do all that on your own, if you wish. :)

Declaring routes

Next, you'll learn the API for declaring routes.

api.GET('/', (req, res) => true)

Remember, you can return a falsy value to indicate an unhandled request.

If you want to exit the current router, your route should return req.BREAK. This tells the router to skip any remaining routes.


Named parameters

Beyond static paths, you can also declare named parameters that will be parsed from the path.

Named parameters never match /, ., or - characters.

Their values are exposed via the req.params object.

api.GET('/users/:userId/groups/:groupId', (req, res) => {
  return true


You can customize the RegExp used to match a named parameter by providing a pattern wrapped with parentheses.

Remember to use \\ when escaping characters.

api.GET('/users/:userId(\\d+)', (req, res) => {
  console.log(parseInt(req.params.userId)) // should not be NaN
  return true


In very special cases, you may need the full power of a RegExp literal, which is supported.

// Matches /123 and /123..456
api.GET(/\/([0-9]+)(?:\.\.([0-9]+))?/g, (req, res) => {
  return true


Shortcut methods exist for the following HTTP methods: DELETE, GET, HEAD, PATCH, POST, PUT

If you need another HTTP method, use the listen method.

api.listen('TRACE', (req, res) => true)


You can even listen for multiple HTTP methods.

api.listen('GET|HEAD', (req, res) => true)


Omitting the path argument

Omit the path argument to run a function for every GET request.

This is most useful when nesting routers, which you will learn about later in this tutorial.

api.GET((req, res) => {
  // Do something for every GET request.
  return true


Use the listen method to run a function for every request, no matter which HTTP method is used.

The return value works just like in a route, so you can return a truthy value to stop the router early.

api.listen((req, res) => {
  // Do something for every request.

Any listeners to add via the listen method are called in the order they are added. They live in the same array as your GET


Advanced methods

The Router class has more to offer beyond simple route matching.


Use beforeAll to run a function before any routes are called.

api.beforeAll((req, res) => {})

Likewise, use afterAll to run a function after any routes are called.

api.afterAll((req, res) => {})

The return values of beforeAll and afterAll callbacks are ignored.


Use match to perform advanced request matching.

Returning a falsy value will exit the current router.

The path argument is stripped of any prefixes declared by the current router or any of its parent routers.

The req.path property will always be the original path.

The match method is most useful when you want to skip the remaining routes if the request does not match. If you only want to skip one route, simply perform the matching within that route, and return a falsy value to skip to the next route.

api.match((req, path) => !!req.query.token)


The blacklist method is similar to match, except a truthy value triggers a 403 Forbidden response.

api.blacklist((req, path) => !!req.query.token)


More documentation will be added at a later date!