0.0.3 • Published 5 years ago

yojji-core-draft v0.0.3

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5 years ago

Yojji Core

Action Creator

Library provides two ways to create actions: with a namespace or without.

actionNamespaceCreator(namespace, options?) => createAction

Returns createAction function with provided namespace.

@param {string} namespace - String prefix that will be added to every action created from that namespace.

@param {IOptions} actionCreatorOptions?

@param {any} actionCreatorOptions.meta? - Metadata that will be added to each action created from that namespace.

    import { actionNamespaceCreator } from '@yojji/core'

    const createAction = actionNamespaceCreator('NAMESPACE')
    const action = createAction('TYPE')

    // action().type === 'NAMESPACE/TYPE'

Using with options:

    import { actionNamespaceCreator } from '@yojji/core'

    const createAction = actionNamespaceCreator('NAMESPACE', {
        meta: { provided: true }

    const action = createAction('TYPE')

    // action().type === 'NAMESPACE/TYPE'
    // action().meta.provided === true

createAction(type, options?) => IAction

Returns IAction function.

@param {string} type - String describing the type of action.

@param {IOptions} actionCreatorOptions?


If createAction function was returned by actionNamespaceCreator, options provided to createAction will override options provided to actionNamespaceCreator

@param {any} actionCreatorOptions.meta? - Metadata that will be added to each action created from that action creator.

    import { createAction } from '@yojji/core'

    const action = createAction('TYPE')

    // action().type === 'TYPE'
    // action.success() === 'TYPE_SUCCESS'
    // action.failure() === 'TYPE_FAILURE'
    // action.cancel() === 'TYPE_CANCEL'
    // action.request() === 'TYPE_REQUEST'

Using with options:

    import { createAction } from '@yojji/core'

    const action = createAction('TYPE', {
        meta: { provided: true }

    // action().type === 'NAMESPACE/TYPE'
    // action().meta.provided === true

Using with actionNamespaceCreator options:

    import { actionNamespaceCreator } from '@yojji/core'

    const createAction = actionNamespaceCreator('NAMESPACE', {
        meta: { overridden: false }    

    const action = createAction('TYPE', {
        meta: { overridden: true }

    // action().type === 'NAMESPACE/TYPE'
    // action().meta.overridden === true

    const anotherAction = createAction('ANOTHER_TYPE')

    // anotherAction().type === 'NAMESPACE/ANOTHER_TYPE'
    // anotherAction().meta.overridden === false

Simple Reducer Creator

createSimpleReducer(action, reducer, initialState)

Helper to create reducer connected to one action.

@param {IAction | string} action - Action to handle

@param {TReducer<State>} reducer - Reducer for action

@param {State} initialState - Initial state

    import {
    } from '@yojji/core'

    const action = createAction('PLUS')

    const initialState = { count: 0 }

    const reducer = (state, action) => ({
        count: state.count + action.payload

    const reducer = createSimpleReducer(action, reducer, initialState)

    // USAGE

    const state = reducer(initialState, action(5))

    // state.count === 5

Reducer Creator

createReducer(action, reducersWrapper, initialState)

Helper to create reducer connected to action with statuses.

@param {IAction} action - Action to handle created by createAction

@param {Record<TActionsToHandle, string>} reducersWrapper - Function that passes through the arguments all actions statuses to reducers

@param {State} initialState - initial state

    import {
    } from '@yojji/core'

    const action = createAction('TYPE')

    const initialState = {
        default: false,
        success: false,
        failure: false,
        cancel: false,

    const reducer = createReducer(action, ({
        // action types will be provided by the function
        DEFAULT, // DEFAULT === 'TYPE' === action().type
        SUCCESS, // SUCCESS === 'TYPE_SUCCESS' === action.success()
        FAILURE, // 'FAILURE === TYPE_FAILURE' === action.failure()
        CANCEL  // CANCEL === 'TYPE_CANCEL' === action.cancel()
    }) => ({
        // Connects provided action types to reducers
        [DEFAULT]: (state, action) => ({ ...state, default: true }),
        [SUCCESS]: (state, action) => ({ ...state, success: true }),
        [FAILURE]: (state, action) => ({ ...state , failure: true }),
        [CANCEL]: (state, action) => ({ ...state, cancel: true })
    }), initialState)

    let state = reducer(initialState, action())
    // state.default === true

    state = reducer(state, action.success())
    // state.success === true

    state = reducer(state, action.failure())
    // state.failure === true

    state = reducer(state, action.cancel())
    // state.cancel === true

Compose Reducers

composeReducers(initialState, ...reducers)

Helper to compose reducers, provide to them same state and as a result create flat state (not nested like from using combineReducers)

Note: Don't provide initial state to reducers that will be used in compose.

@param {State} initialState - Initial state that will be provided to every reducer

@param {TReducers[]} ...reducers - Reducers to compose

    import {
    } from '@yojji/core'

    const initialState = { a: 0, b: 0 }

    const actionA = createAction('TYPE_A')
    const reducerA = createSimpleReducer(
        (state) => ({ ...state, a: state.a + 1 })

    const actionB = createAction('TYPE_B')
    const reducerB = createSimpleReducer(
        (state) => ({ ...state, b: state.b + 1 })

    // Compose reducers to a flat state
    const reducer = composeReducers(initialState, reducerA, reducerB)

    let state = reducer(initialState, actionA())
    // state.a === 1

    state = reducer(state, actionB())
    // state.b === 1

Redux Saga Helpers

createWorker({ api, action })

Helper to create worker saga that handles api calls.

@param {IApi} apiOptions - Object

@param {(data?: any) => Promise} apiOptions.api - Function that will be called by call

@param {IAction} apiOptions.action - Action which statuses will be dispatched on resolve / reject Promise: success - on resolve, failure - on reject and cancel - on saga cancelled()

    import { createWorker } from '@yojji/core'

    const worker = createWorker(api.apiCall, actions.someAction)

    function * rootSaga() {
        yield takeEvery(actions.someAction, worker)

        // OR

        yield call(worker)

createWatcher({ api, action })

Spawns a saga on each action dispatched to the Store that matches provided action.

Note Must be called through spawn

@param {IApi} apiOptions - Object

@param {() => Promise} apiOptions.api - Function that will be called

@param {IAction} apiOptions.action - Action to match

    import { createWatcher } from '@yojji/core'

    const apiOptions = {
        api: () => new Promise,
        action: actions.someAction

    function * rootSaga() {
        yield spawn(createWatcher, apiOptions)

        yield put(actions.someAction) // Run watcher

createAndRunApiSagas(apiList) => { workers: SagaIterator[] }

Helper to spawn watcher sagas and create list of worker sagas.

Returns workers (SagaIterator).

@param {IApi[]} apiList - Array of IApi objects

    import {
    } from '@yojji/core'

    const apiList = [
        { api: () => new Promise, action: actions.someAction }

    function * rootSaga() {
        const { workers } = yield call(createAndRunApiSagas, apiList)

        yield call(workers[actions.someAction.toString()])

        // OR

        yield put(actions.someAction)

5 years ago


5 years ago


5 years ago


5 years ago