2.3.0 ā€¢ Published 4 years ago

youtube-playlists v2.3.0

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4 years ago

šŸ“½ļø YouTube Playlists

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āš›ļø React app for creating on-the-fly YouTube playlists.

Demo available at: youtube.ndo.dev

šŸ Getting Started

Simply drag-and-drop a YouTube URL / Tab onto the page and it will be added to the playlist. Optionally, it will also recognize YouTube URLs in your clipboard once you focus onto the page and ask if youd like to add the video.

Once you've got your playlist organized, press "Play" and the application will begin auto-playing your playlist, optionally in staying in fullscreen through the remainder of the dynamic playlist.

āš“ Requirements

The only requirement to host your own instance is a YouTube API Key. You can visit developers.google.com/youtube/v3/getting-started to view how to get one.

The functionality to get the YouTube video details, in my implementation, is provided through a serverless function running on a Cloudflare Worker. You can find the code for it in the serverless_youtube.js file. These few functions can simply be copied back into index.js if you prefer to not use a worker / serverless function.

šŸ‘· Getting Started

In order to setup your own instance, you need to do the following:

  1. Get your own YouTube API Key
  2. Sign up for Cloudflare Workers
  3. Create a new worker and copy the code from serverless_youtube.js into the application
  4. Insert your YouTube API Key on line 2 in the variable key of the worker code
  5. Adjust the fetch URL in src/index.js on line 111
  6. Deploy

šŸ™ Contributing

This is very much still in beta stage, but you can run it locally by:

  1. Clone the repo git clone https://github.com/ndom91/youtube-playlists
  2. Install dependencies npm i
  3. Start dev server npm start
  4. Visit localhost:3000

šŸ“ŗ Screenshot

screenshot 1

šŸ“ License: MIT