0.1.1 • Published 7 years ago

zally-web-ui v0.1.1

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Last release
7 years ago

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Zally WEB-UI

Zally Web-UI project provides a web user interface to lint your api specs.


  • NodeJS >= 7.6


npm install zally-web-ui --save



const app = require('zally-web-ui')();

app.listen(3000, () => {
  console.log('zally-web-ui running at http://localhost:3000');

Mount to an existing application

const app = require('express')()
const zally = require('zally-web-ui')(/*options*/);

app.use('/api-linter', zally);
app.listen(3000, () => {
  console.log('server running at http://localhost:3000');

Configuration options

When instantiating the app you can pass an options object to customize the behavior.

const options = { /* ..my options.. */}
const zally = require('zally-web-ui')(options);


  • windowEnv: the windowEnv object contains all the values exposed to the client on window.env
  • windowEnv.OAUTH_ENABLED (default: false): enable OAuth or just Auth support on the client side (an http call will be fired on /auth/me endpoint to get the current logged in user, if any)
  • windowEnv.ZALLY_API_URL (default: http://localhost:8080): URL pointing to Zally REST API
  • windowEnv.DEBUG (default: true): logs debugging message on the client side
  • logger (default: console): custom logger
  • handlers: the handlers object contains all route handlers used by zally-web-ui
  • handlers.assets: handler that serve static assets
  • handlers.windowEnv: handler that serve /env.js javascript file used to expose windowEnv values to the client on window.env
  • handlers.index: handler that serve the single page application entrypoint on the wild card * to allow HTML5 History API working as expected


Install, build and run in development mode

cd web-ui
npm install
npm run dev

The npm run dev task starts the application server in development mode with nodemon and webpack-dev-server watching for changes. The application server acts as a proxy to webpack-dev-server as the target.

Run in production mode

npm run build
npm start

Build optimized client javascript bundle

Build webpack bundle minified and source-map file(s).

npm run build


People interested contributing to the web-ui project can open issues and related pull requests.

Before opening PRs, be sure the test are running by executing npm test.


Feel free to contact one the maintainers


MIT license with an exception. See license file.