1.0.1 • Published 9 years ago
zan-compare v1.0.1
zan compare
I needed a small lib to compare a shape of an object to predefined validation object. We were planning on using zan for propTypes so with this we could use zan to compare 2 objects and validate.
See zan for more info zan
compare(shape, data , returnErrors:bool)
const zan = require('zan');
const compare = require('zan-compare');
const { recursive, types } = zan;
const { number, string } = types;
const shape = recursive({
age: number,
name: string,
emails: [string]
const data = {
age: 32,
name: 'Eisi Sig',
emails: false
const isValid = compare(shape, data);
// isValid = false, emails is expected to be an array