1.0.2 • Published 7 years ago

zconsole v1.0.2

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Last release
7 years ago


A console instance with name and color assignment.


Normal Use

Just do it:

const ConsoleInstance = require('zconsole');

var myConsole = new ConsoleInstance('My Console');

console.log('Hi!');	// Says "Hi!"

myConsole.log('Hi!');	// Says "[My Console] Hi!"

myConsole.color = 'blue';
myConsole.log('Hi!');	// Says a blue "[My Console] Hi!"


Or even overwrite the normal one:

const	ConsoleInstance = require('zconsole'),
		console = new ConsoleInstance('My Console');

console.log('Yo bro!');	// Says "[My Console] Yo bro!"

Standalone function

For short, you can use:

const log = myConsole.getLogger;
// OR
const log = myConsole.logger;

And so:

log('Hey ya')	// Says "[My Console] Hey ya"


Internal Methods

Get a stand-alone log() function

For getting a stand-alone log() function, with the display name but no need of using


Use getLogger() or the get logger property.

const log = console_instance.getLogger();


const log = console_instance.logger;

Now, just logging with a single function:

log('Hey ya')	// Says "[My Console] Hey ya"

Using the Display name

To get or alter the display name of the instance of the console, use the getter / setter display

// Getting the console name
var my_console_name = console_instance.display;

// Writing it into another console
another_console.display = my_console_name

Setting a color to the console

At a similar way, there are a getter / setter pair to the color of the console:

console_instance.color = 'indigo';
console_instance.color = '#a2e100';

And so, console_instance.log should output a colored text.

Static values


Defines what is the max length for the string property display.

Defaults to 16.


Just the names of the colors. Nothing usefull at all.

Copied Methods

Here, are all the methods copied from the JS object console:

  • assert
  • count
  • debug
  • dir
  • dirxml
  • error
  • exception
  • group
    • group
    • groupCollapsed
    • groupEnd
  • info
  • log
  • time
    • time
    • timeEnd
  • trace
    • Acctually, here is a pseudo method
  • warn


How I use it:

const	ConsoleInstance = require('zconsole'),
		console = new ConsoleInstance(appname);

console.color = 'cyan';

const log = console.logger;

log('It starts now.');

Where appname is the name of the app I'm working into.


7 years ago


7 years ago


7 years ago