1.0.1 • Published 4 months ago

zetrix-sdk-nodejs v1.0.1

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Last release
4 months ago


A complete and simple library for developers to connect and use the Zetrix layer 1 blockchain.

Docs & Useful Links

Installation & Prerequisite

This is a Node.js module available through the npm registry.

Before installing, download and install Node.js. Node.js 6.0.0 or higher is required.

Installation is done using the npm install command:

$ npm install zetrix-sdk-nodejs

We also recommend using the dotenv package to conveniently manage environment variables

$ npm install dotenv


Create a .env file in the root of your project and insert your key/value pairs in the following format of KEY=VALUE:

Zetrix Testnet:


Zetrix Mainnet:


Quick Start & Basic Usages

Here's a simple guide to connect your dApp to the Zetrix wallet if you're using the Chrome extension wallet on the browser only. Mobile wallet connection requires a separate SDK:

  { method: "changeAccounts" }, 
  (resp) => {
    if (resp.code === 0) {
        { method: "sendRandom", param: { random: "blob" } }, 
        (resAuth) => {
          if (resAuth.code === 0) {
            // retrieve the necessary info from resp.data and resAuth.data to retrieve the address, signData & publicKey
            sessionStorage.setItem("zetrixAccount", resp.data.address);
            sessionStorage.setItem("isLogin", "true");

Create the zetrix-sdk-nodejs instance to begin using the SDK:

'use strict';

const ZtxChainSDK = require('zetrix-sdk-nodejs');

const sdk = new ZtxChainSDK({
  host: process.env.NODE_URL,

Retrieving account balance using the SDK:

// Retrieve account balance by passing the address
sdk.account.getBalance(address).then(resp => {
  if (resp.errorCode === 0) {
}).catch(err => {

Creating a new account using the SDK:

// Create a new account onchain
sdk.account.create().then(data => {
}).catch(err => {

Sample contract call using the SDK:

// Querying a contract
const data = yield sdk.contract.call({
    optType: 2,
    // Insert contract address
    contractAddress: contractAddress, 
    // Pass input parameters as a JSON string
    input: JSON.stringify({
      // Calling the 'getCertificateBySerialNumber' query function from the smart contract
      method: 'getCertificateBySerialNumber',
      // Passing the paramets for querying
      params: {
        serialNumber: "1237"

Another sample contract invocation:

// Invoke a contract by sending tokens
const operationInfo = await sdk.operation.contractInvokeByGasOperation({
  sourceAddress: newAddress,
  contractAddress: contractAddress,
  // 0 ZETA will be sent
  amount: 0,
  // Input destination address under "to" and number of tokens under "value"
  input: '{\"method\":\"transfer\",\"params\":{\"to\":\"ZTX3Ta7d4GyAXD41H2kFCTd2eXhDesM83rvC3\",\"value\":\"10000000\"}}',
  metadata: 'invoking contract by sending tokens. 0 ZETRIX (gas) amount is sent'

More examples can be found in the examples and test folder in the repo.


To run the test suite, first install the dependencies, then run npm test:

$ npm install
$ npm test
