3.105.23-SNAPSHOT • Published 3 months ago

zipcar-react-components v3.105.23-SNAPSHOT

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Last release
3 months ago

React Components Library

Library of reusable components


The canonical version number for this package is set in config/manifest.yaml (NOT in package.json). This is so the CI can automatically create releases for new versions.


This package keeps a changelog in CHANGELOG.md. Please update this file whenever you update the version number. Please include a short description of the change and reference the Jira ticket number when applicable.

Getting Started

  1. To install dependencies:

    yarn install (yarn is recommended)

  2. To fetch latest schema:

    yarn gql-schema

    The GraphQL Schema is used to generate types for connected components. This schema currently comes from the Tickets cheetah (https://dogfood.zipcar.io/tickets-graphql by default).

    To generate types from your namespace run:

    yarn zql -p https://{namespace}.dev.zipcar.io/tickets-graphql.

  3. To generate types from latest schema:

    yarn gql-types

  4. To start Storybook on port 6006:

    yarn start [namespace]

    namespace defaults to dogfood

  5. Publishing SNAPSHOTS

  • Get artifactory api key from http://artifactory.zipcar.com/artifactory/webapp/#/profile
  • Fetch auth info: curl -i -u<USERNAME>:<API_KEY> http://artifactory.zipcar.com/artifactory/api/npm/auth
  • Put response in ~/.nmprc (see example /.npmrc.example)
  • Update the package.json version major.minor.patch-SNAPSHOT.increment (e.g. 3.59.0-SNAPSHOT.1)
  • Finally run yarn publish-snapshot

More Info...

  1. To translate components into an 'importable' format:

    yarn build - translates Typescript and ES6. Outputs to zipcar-react-components-{VERSION_NUMBER}.tgz.

  2. To output to a custom directory (Automatic):

    Try using WML. (https://www.npmjs.com/package/wml) wml uses watchman to copy a directory into another directory. Download watchman if you don't have it brew update && brew install watchman. Download wml, npm install -g wml. Link the library to another npm project (or a test directory if you want to see how it works): wml add <source-directory> <output-directory>. To see your current links, do wml ls. you can remove them with wml rm <link-id>. To start wml, do wml start. If you get an error such as "directory is unwatched" you need to do watchman watch <source-directory>. Now you need to remember to compile your tsc - I usually use a tsc watch in vscode by hitting CMD + SHIFT + B in vscode and doing a tsc build, then a tsc watch.

  3. To output to a custom directory (Manual):

    yarn build will output zipcar-react-components-{VERSION_NUMBER}.tgz. Replace the contents of the zipcar-react-components folder in your applications /node_modules with the contents of that .tgz file.

  4. To add a new component, util, etc.

    • Create a new folder for a component, or add a new file under /util
    • Make sure to export the new component in src/index.ts
    • For utils, const make sure to export the new file in src/util/index.ts or src/const/index.ts


wml tutorial

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