1.0.0 • Published 18 days ago

zksyncsmailnms-14 v1.0.0

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18 days ago

Project Overview

This project involves developing an IoT-based smart home automation system. The system integrates various IoT devices, including smart lights, thermostats, and security cameras, to provide a centralized platform for home management. The project utilizes MQTT protocol for communication, ensuring low latency and reliable message delivery. A user-friendly mobile app is provided for remote control and monitoring.

Key Features

  • Device Integration: Seamless integration of various IoT devices for a unified control system.
  • Communication Protocol: Utilizes MQTT for efficient and reliable communication.
  • Remote Control: Mobile app for remote monitoring and control of home devices.
  • Automation Rules: Configurable automation rules for device interactions.
  • Security: Secure communication channels and user authentication to protect user data.