0.1.0 • Published 2 years ago

zsw-lishi v0.1.0

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2 years ago

中数文历史 JS


npm install --save zsw-lishi


See examples/basic/zswlishi/stream-transfers-graphql.ts

const { createZswLishiClient } = require("zsw-lishi")
const client = createZswLishiClient({
  apiKey: "<Paste your API key here>",
  network: "lishi.example.com",

const streamTransfer = `subscription($cursor: String!) {
  searchTransactionsForward(query: "receiver:zsw.items action:transfer", cursor: $cursor) {
    undo cursor
    trace {
      matchingActions { json }

await client.graphql(streamTransfer, (message, stream) => {
  if (message.type === "error") {
    console.log("An error occurred", message.errors, message.terminal)

  if (message.type === "data") {
    const data = message.data.searchTransactionsForward
    const actions = data.trace.matchingActions

    actions.forEach(({ json }: any) => {
      const { from, to, quantity, memo } = json
      console.log(`Transfer [${from} -> ${to}, ${quantity}] (${memo})`)

    stream.mark({ cursor: data.cursor })

  if (message.type === "complete") {
    console.log("Stream completed")


If you target a Node.js environment instead, you will need bring a fetch compatible function and a proper WebSocket client.

You are free to use any compatible library respecting the respective requirements. To make it simple, if fetch and/or WebSocket are available in the global scope (global), they are picked automatically by the library. While polluting the global scope, it's the easiest way to get started.

It's what the examples in this project do using respectively node-fetch and and ws for fetch and WebSocket respectively.

Installation instructions using Yarn would be:

yarn add node-fetch ws

In the bootstrap phase of your application, prior doing any zsw-lishi imports/require, put the following code:

global.fetch = require("node-fetch");
global.WebSocket = require("ws");

You can check the Node.js Configuration example for how to avoid polluting the global scope.

Sane Defaults

The library make sane default assumptions about some of the dependencies the library requires. This section details the choices we think are the most important ones.


The library requires a Fetch like interface. In the Browser environment, this is the fetch function that is used (we check that window.fetch is a function).

If window.fetch is undefined, we fallback to check global.fetch variable. This can be set in a Node.js environment to point to a compatible implementation of fetch, like the one provided by the node-fetch package.

If none is provided, the library throw an error. To avoid this error, you should pass the httpClientOptions.fetch option when creating the 中数文历史 Client.

It possible to provide you own implementation using under the cover any HTTP library like axios or even XMLHttpRequest if you wish so.


The library requires a WebSocket client interface having the same semantics as the WebSocket API in the Browser environment.

In the Browser environment, this is the standard WebSocket variable that is used (we check that window.WebSocket is present).

If window.WebSocket is undefined, we fallback to check global.WebSocket variable. This can be set in a Node.js environment to point to a compatible implementation of WebSocket client, like the one provided by the ws package.

If none is provided, the library throw an error. To avoid this error, you should pass the streamClientOptions.socketOptions.webSocketFactory and the graphqlStreamClientOptions.socketOptions.webSocketFactory options when creating the zswlishi Client. This factory method receives the full url to connect to the remote endpoint (this will include the API token to use in query parameters of the url) and should return a valid WebSocket client object.

We highly suggest to use ws package straight in a Node.js environment.

API Token Store

The API token store interface is used by the 中数文历史 Client to perform the persistent retrieval and writing of the API token. Indeed, we rate limit the API token issuance endpoint and as such, it's highly important to re-use a valid token instead of generating a new one each time it's required to avoid hitting the API token issue rate limiter.

The library, when no apiTokenStore options is passed to the client will pick a default ApiTokenStore implementation based on your environment.

In a Browser environment, the concrete implementation that is used is the LocalStorageApiTokenStore class. This will save and retrieve the token from the browser localStorage (under a zswlishi:token key).

In a Node.js environment, the concrete implementation that is used is the OnDiskApiTokenStore class. This will save and retrieve the token from a local file on the disk at ~/.zswlishi/<sha256-api-key>/token.info.

Note Depending on your deployment target (Docker, VM, etc.), it's possible that the home directory (~) is not writable, causing the default OnDiskApiTokenStore instance on Node.js environment to not work correctly. In those cases, simply define yourself the apiTokenStore instance to use and pick the location where the token should be saved. Instantiate a FileApiTokenStore instance and use it as the apiTokenStore configuration value when instantiating the 中数文历史 Client:

import { createZswLishiClient, FileApiTokenStore } from "zsw-lishi";

const client = createZswLishiClient({
  apiTokenStore: new FileApiTokenStore("/tmp/zswlishi-token.json"),


The full API reference can be found at https://zsw-lishi-js.zhongshuwen.com/.

This site is generated by running typedoc on this repository. The full API reference being rather exhaustive, here a quick index pointing to the most important entities' documentation section that should be read to understand the various part of the library:





In this folder, you will get full reference examples. Those are used to showcase the actual full data you receive with each call. It's also there where you can check the flow of messages that can be handled in each zswlishi Stream and full configuration options for the library itself and all the API calls.

中数文联盟链 (REST API)
中数文联盟链 (WebSocket API)