1.0.4 • Published 1 year ago

zymkey-js v1.0.4

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1 year ago


This repository is a Node.js wrapper of Zymbit's C++ API, intended to facilitate interactions between Node.js applications and Zymbit's hardware wallet.

Note: This is not an official Zymbit API, so it has not been robustly tested, and does not have a thorough documentation.

Table of Contents


Run the following command:

yarn add zymkey-js


npm i zymkey-js


const zkJS = require('zymkey-js/build/Release/zkAppUtilsJS.node')
const zymkey = new zkJS.zkObj()


Supported Functions

Here is the list of currently supported functions:

  1. getTime - Retrieve the current time from the secure RTC (Real-Time Clock) module.
  2. exportPubKey - Export the public key of a previously generated key pair.
  3. storeForeignPubKey - Store a foreign public key on the device.
  4. genKeyPair - Generate an asymmetric key pair (ECC or RSA) in the specified slot.
  5. genEphemeralKeyPair - Generate an ephemeral asymmetric key pair (ECC or RSA) in a specified slot.
  6. removeKey - Remove a key or key pair from the specified slot.
  7. invalidateEphemeralKey - Invalidate an ephemeral key pair, making it unusable.
  8. genECDSASigFromDigest - Generate an ECDSA signature for a given message digest using the specified private key.
  9. verifyECDSASigFromDigest - Verify an ECDSA signature for a given message digest using the specified public key.
  10. genWalletMasterSeedWithBIP39 - Generate a hierarchical deterministic wallet master seed using the BIP39 mnemonic scheme.
  11. genWalletMasterSeedWithSLIP39 - Generate a hierarchical deterministic wallet master seed using the SLIP39 mnemonic scheme.
  12. setGenSLIP39GroupInfo - Set the group information for generating SLIP39 mnemonics.
  13. addGenSLIP39Member - Add a member to a group for generating SLIP39 mnemonics.
  14. cancelSLIP39Session - Cancel an ongoing SLIP39 generation or restoration session.
  15. genOverSightWallet - Generate an oversight wallet for monitoring and controlling wallet functions.
  16. genWalletChildKey - Derive a child key from the wallet master seed using a specified derivation path.
  17. restoreWalletMasterSeedFromBIP39 - Restore a hierarchical deterministic wallet master seed from a BIP39 mnemonic.
  18. restoreWalletMasterSeedFromSLIP39 - Restore a hierarchical deterministic wallet master seed from a SLIP39 mnemonic.
  19. addRestoreSLIP39Mnemonic - Add a mnemonic to the restoration session for SLIP39-based wallets.
  20. getWalletNodeAddrFromKeySlot - Retrieve the wallet node address associated with a specific key slot.
  21. getWalletKeySlotFromNodeAddr - Retrieve the key slot associated with a specific wallet node address.
  22. getAllocSlotsList - Get a list of allocated key slots, showing their types and attributes.


In order to understand how to call these functions and the return values of each function, refer to Zymbit's C++ Documentation.


1 year ago


1 year ago


1 year ago


1 year ago


1 year ago