AsyncLocalStorage is an unencrypted, asynchronous, persistent, key-value storage system that is global to the app in web browser. It should be used instead of LocalStorage.
AsyncLocalStorage is an unencrypted, asynchronous, persistent, key-value storage system that is global to the app in web browser. It should be used instead of LocalStorage.
Dynamic variables i.e. global variables with dynamic scope
Promise-based API for Browser localStorage
A WinterCG-compatible context utility
Tiny TypeScript functional dependency injection, based on AsyncLocalStorage. Supports Node.js, Deno
Ollyv sdk is designed to empower your applications with seamless logging and comprehensive distributed tracing capabilities.
`asyncforge` allows you to remove singletons from your codebase with the use of [`AsyncLocalStorage`](https://nodejs.org/api/async_context.html#class-asynclocalstorage).
A (very) simple AsyncLocalStorage wrapper/middleware
Effector Domain based on AsyncLocalStorage
Get and set request-scoped context anywhere
helpers to get fastify request/reply and app