turf clusters-dbscan module
turf clusters-dbscan module
turf clusters module
turf clusters-kmeans module
Redis storage for Koa session middleware/cache with Sentinel and Cluster support
Node.js cluster manager
Map component based on google maps api
Storelocatorjs is a fast and lightweight Javascript library for build your own customizable store locator with a minimalist theme. The cloud function is included to handle store filter requests.
Microsoft - Windows Admin Center Shell
`DataHunter is a module that acts as a black-box predicting information given a historical dataSet(an array of JavaScript objects)
turf clusters module
turf clusters-dbscan module
turf clusters-kmeans module
Asynchronous Remote Classes make RPC simple
Implementation of the k-means clustering algorithm
finds clusters in data using the AddC online clustering algorithm with gaussian kernel
Node.js client sdk for clusters microservice
Mongoose.js with structure.
Redis storage for Koa session middleware/cache with Sentinel and Cluster support
Grapheme clustering for JavaScript with Unicode Standard Annex #29 compliance and some custom emoji enhancements.
Empowering scalable, real-time web apps in Node.js