A React DOM Bootstrapper designed to harmonise a hybrid application
A React DOM Bootstrapper designed to harmonise a hybrid application
Drupal router for Nuxt, powered by the Drupal Decoupled Router module.
PostCSS plugin to get drupal theme breakpoints in css variables
The Fully Decoupled Drupal Framework for Nuxt.js.
ESLint bundled with drupal core config
Drupal ESlint configuration
Brings Redux connect capabilities with React Habitat
Integrate Drupal behaviors into your webpack setup, including HMR (hot module replacement)
Extract Drupal.t and Drupal.formatPlural from your webpack builds.
Periodic is a rapid enterprise application framework for data driven web and mobile applications.
JavaScript implementation of the hashing algorithm used in Drupal
ESLint rules for enforcing Drupal coding standards.
An ESLint configuration to match the Drupal standard for contrib modules and themes.
Drupal Display Mode powered Entity, Form and Field Druxt components.
An authentication extension for periodicjs that uses passport to authenticate user sessions.
An authentication extension for periodicjs that uses passport to authenticate user sessions.
Drupal Content Entity schema generator for Druxt with support for View and Form displays.
Drupal Block and Block Region Druxt components.
Drush task runner for grunt.
React component for Drupal webforms