a general purpose genetic algorithm, an A.I. tool useful for machine evolution and adaptation
a general purpose genetic algorithm, an A.I. tool useful for machine evolution and adaptation
## Install
Advanced genetic and evolutionary algorithm library
Genetic programming helpers & strategies (tree based & multi-expression programming)
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Object-oriented genetic algorithm framework
Advanced genetic and evolutionary algorithm library (no web workers fork)
Simple genetic algorithm helper class. Supports asynchronous fitness evaluation.
Advanced genetic and evolutionary algorithm library
A Node.js port of the Encog Machine Learning Framework
Reproduce images from geometric primitives.
Performs data analysis on a set of candlesticks and using available indicators constructs the best strategy which worked on a certain period.
roulette wheel selection
Genetic Algorithm
Simple genetic algorithms library
Advanced genetic and evolutionary algorithm library
Breeds the specified number of offspring from two parent strings of binary digits with the possibility of random mutation.
The library of genetic algorithm
A simple genetic algorithm framework for Node.
Performs data anaylsis on a set of candlesticks and using available indicators constructs the best strategy which worked on a certain period.