css loader module for webpack
css loader module for webpack
Runs (webpack) loaders
babel module loader for webpack
Sass loader for webpack
Prepare a node environment to require files with different extensions.
Webpack loader that resolves relative paths in url() statements based on the original source file
Webpack loader that adjusts source maps
Elegant spinner for interactive CLI apps
A ESlint loader for webpack
TypeScript loader for webpack
A Less loader for webpack. Compiles Less to CSS.
Find the closest babel config based on a directory
Stylus loader for webpack
Configuration preset loader for `conventional-changelog`.
Tweak React components in real time.
Html loader module for webpack
A Webpack loader that uses Istanbul to add code coverage instrumentation
A TOML loader for Cosmiconfig
Webpack loader to generate docgen information from TypeScript React components.
WebPack 2+ plugin for CSS minification after ExtractTextPluging