Native Access to MacOS FSEvents
Native Access to MacOS FSEvents
Get current machine IP, MAC and DNS servers.
Operating system specific paths.
Apple's property list parser/builder for Node.js and browsers
A cross-platform library for safely passing strings through shells
Get the MAC addresses (hardware addresses) of the hosts network interfaces.
Automatically opens your browser and iOS Simulator to preview Node.js email messages sent with Nodemailer. Made for Forward Email and Lad. Cross-browser and cross-platform email testing.
Just a simple logging module for your Electron application
Appium bridge to AppiumForMac
ffmpeg static binaries for Mac OSX and Linux and Windows
Get the global cache directory
Tools for running an osascripts in Node
Basic access to the Mac OS X Keychain
Cross-platform .zip file creation
RSA utils that work on Windows, Mac, and Linux with or without C compiler
XCTest-based Appium driver for macOS apps automation
Generate license agreements for macOS .dmg files
Character set conversion using the macOS CoreFoundation API
Kill the process running on a given TCP port on Windows, Linux and Mac
Get the MAC address of the current machine you are on.