The Design Graph Framework
The Design Graph Framework
Theme UI includes an optional presets package that can be used as examples or as a starting point for extending your own themes.
Gatsby plugin for adding Theme UI context
Base theme preset for use with Rebass
A syntax highlighting component based on [prism-react-renderer]( that works seamlessly with Theme UI.
Fela plugin to resolve values from a theme
MDX-based sidebar navigation component
Theme aware NProgress component to use in Next.js apps using Emotion or ThemeUI.
shared components for our websites
Velove design system for React applications
An npm package for distributing the Manrope font family by Michael Sharanda
theme for styling our websites
Enabling BEM-flavored conventions when building your Theme-UI components
Generate static CSS for use outside of React with Theme UI and Tailwind.css
React components for the United Nations World Data Forum website.
Storybook Color Addon allows your stories to be displayed in their various color modes specified by theme-ui
Babel plugin parsing theme keys for theme-ui