Automatically generates UUID for your models
Automatically generates UUID for your models
Collection of 128-bit Id generators
Generate, manage and validate Universally Unique Identifiers v4
Checks if the string is valid uuid-v4
This is going to provide the random meaningful string using animal names followed by adjective followed by numbers. Additional to that, you can generate random shortId using custom options
Plugin VueJs to get UUIDv4
Alfred Workflow - Generate UUIDs in v1 and v4
High-level cryptographic functions that are interoperable between NodeJS and PHP 7.1+.
Generate fast and cryptographically secure UUID v4
Just UUID v4
Generate v4 UUIDs using libsodium's RNG
A simple util to generate UUIDv4
Secure URL-friendly unique string ID generator in ~10 LOC
Automatically generates UUID for your models in a custom column
nodejs module to generate uuid v4 simply
An angular-uuid ( typescript declaration file.
Generate RFC specified UUID v3, v4 and v5
Generate UUIDv4 strings
Generate human readable IDs.
This is the slice of popular package called uuid. This package provide only uuid version 4.