Mobile web UI components based on Vue 3 and Vite 4
Mobile web UI components based on Vue 3 and Vite 4
Core library to check for valid SSML
JavaScript client for Speechly Streaming API
React client for Speechly Streaming API
A high quality UI components Library with Vue.js
Check for valid SSML
```javascript npm i -S git+ import vuc from 'vui-c' Vue.use(vuc) ```
SSML (Speech Synthesis Markup Language) JSX & TSX parser and renderer
Mixins and CSS for styling alerts
Mixins and CSS for applying button styles
Mixins for laying out elements on a grid.
A Component Library for Vue.js.
Mixins and CSS for applying basic typography styles
Provides natural language understanding/processing to enable easy implementation of chat bots and voice services. High performance run time in only 2 lines of code - 'require' to include it, and the call to process the text. These can run anywhere Node.js
A Private Component Library for Vue.js .
jQuery-based scroll-spy widget
```javascript npm i -S git+ import vuc from 'vui-c' Vue.use(vuc) ```
jQuery-based accordion widget
A generator CLI for vui projects.