Media queries for your client and server
Media queries for your client and server
Higher order component for matchMedia
Media queries for your client and server
React hooks that update when media queries change between matched and unmatched states.
A dead simple React Higher Order Component (HOC) that uses context for matching media queries
Ember cli addon that includes a polyfill for promises if needed.
Vue 2 media query helpers
Angular service to test if a given @media statment is true.
React decorator for responsive behaviors
Angular-matchmedia service is a set of bindings and helper functions for the browser matchMedia api.
React component used for matching media queries
Svelte.js util to easily observe media queries as a reactive store
A React HOC with mediaqueries for responsive layout.
Determine actual @media breakpoints
DeviceStateTracker is a utility class that tracks which media query is currently active using the matchMedia API.
The shared core and build system behind Magica11y
Detects user’s preferences for reduced motion using the 'prefers-reduce-motion' CSS3 level 5 media query.
CSS Media Queries HOC for React
Vue 3 Breakpoints using window.matchMedia and the Composition API
> zero dependencies, ~1kb render prop wrapper of window.matchMedia