The lodash method `_.orderBy` exported as a module.
The lodash method `_.orderBy` exported as a module.
Angular sort/orderby pipe, order one dimensional array or an array of objects
vue-column-sortable is an data sortable directive for vue.js.
Utility for common comparison functions including sorting and type reflection.
[js] Orderby results array
Sort a array object with a custom field
This is an Angular library that **provides a service for searching, filtering, and sorting arrays of objects**. [Angular](https://angular.io) does not support FilterPipe or OrderByPipe like AngularJS does. Instead, the docs declare:
order by for stream json objects on nodejs
Sort an array of objects by one or more properties in any order. Multiple properties and custom comparison functions can be used.
a utility for ordering json key inside nested objects
Type-safe array sorting method with support for deeply nested properties and Typescript autocompletion.