CLI to automatically install peerDeps
CLI to automatically install peerDeps
CLI command to install npm peerDependencies
CLI to install project's peerDependencies, without side effects.
Automatically installs project's peerDependencies (as devDependencies)
install peer dependencies
An alternative peer dependency warning system
CLI to install project's peerDependencies, without side effects.
CLI to install project's peerDependencies, without side effects.
Automatically installs project's peerDependencies as devDependencies
This tool allows JavaScript developers to install and uninstall dependencies considering the `peerDependencies` and `peerDevDependencies` of the package to be installed/uninstalled **as if they were dependencies and devDependencies of the parent repositor
install-peerdeps fork with extended functionality. CLI tool to install peerdeps.
CLI command to install npm peerDependencies
CLI command to install peerDependencies by yarn or npm
CLI to automatically install peerDeps