0.8.0-beta.4 • Published 4 years ago

@149segolte/xo-loader v0.8.0-beta.4

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Last release
4 years ago


XO loader for webpack. Based on @Semigradsky/xo-loader


$ npm install @149segolte/xo-loader --save-dev


In your webpack configuration

module.exports = {
  // ...
  module: {
    loaders: [
        test: /\.js$/,
        loader: '@149segolte/xo-loader',
        exclude: /node_modules/,
  // ...

When using with transpiling loaders (like babel-loader), make sure they are in correct order (bottom to top). Otherwise files will be check after being processed by babel-loader

module.exports = {
  // ...
  module: {
    loaders: [
      { test: /\.js$/, loader: 'babel-loader', exclude: /node_modules/ },
        test: /\.js$/,
        loader: '@149segolte/xo-loader',
        exclude: /node_modules/,
  // ...

To be safe, you can use preLoaders section to check source files, not modified by other loaders (like babel-loader)

module.exports = {
  // ...
  module: {
    preLoaders: [
        test: /\.js$/,
        loader: '@149segolte/xo-loader',
        exclude: /node_modules/,
  // ...

webpack@2.1.0-beta.23 and up

As of latest release notes, preLoaders and postLoaders have been deprecated in favor of enforce: 'pre' or enforce: 'post'. Also custom properties are not allowed, and can be supplied through webpack.LoaderOptionsPlugin({}).

module.exports = {
	// ...
	module: {
		loaders [
			{test: /\.js$/, enforce:'pre', loader: '@149segolte/xo-loader', exclude: /node_modules/}
	plugins: [
		new webpack.LoaderOptionsPlugin({
			options: {
				xo: {
					emitError: true
	// ...


You can pass XO options directly by

  • Passing options to the loader
	module: {
		preLoaders: [
				test: /\.js$/,
				loader: '@149segolte/xo-loader',
				exclude: /node_modules/,
				options: {
  • Adding a query string to the loader, usable only for this loader
	module: {
		preLoaders: [
				test: /\.js$/,
				loader: '@149segolte/xo-loader?{rules:[{semi:0}]}',
				exclude: /node_modules/,

Errors and Warning

By default the loader will auto adjust error reporting depending on xo errors/warnings counts. You can still force this behavior by using emitError or emitWarning options:

emitError (default: false)

Loader will always return errors if this option is set to true.

module.exports = {
	entry: "...",
	module: {
		// ...
			test: /\.js$/,
			loader: '@149segolte/xo-loader',
			exclude: /node_modules/,
			options: {
				// ...
				emitError: true
emitWarning (default: false)

Loader will always return warnings if option is set to true.

module.exports = {
	entry: "...",
	module: {
		// ...
			test: /\.js$/,
			loader: '@149segolte/xo-loader',
			exclude: /node_modules/,
			options: {
				// ...
				emitWarning: true
failOnWarning (default: false)

Loader will cause the module build to fail if there are any xo warnings.

module.exports = {
	entry: "...",
	module: {
		// ...
			test: /\.js$/,
			loader: '@149segolte/xo-loader',
			exclude: /node_modules/,
			options: {
				// ...
				failOnWarning: true
failOnError (default: false)

Loader will cause the module build to fail if there are any xo errors.

module.exports = {
	entry: "...",
	module: {
		// ...
			test: /\.js$/,
			loader: '@149segolte/xo-loader',
			exclude: /node_modules/,
			options: {
				// ...
				failOnError: true


  • Dmitry Semigradsky - Initial work - Semigradsky
  • 149segolte - Port using @webpack-contrib/defaults - PurpleBooth

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details The orignal @Semigradsky/xo-loader was published under MIT license.


4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago