1.4.3 • Published 2 years ago

@armix/terror v1.4.3

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2 years ago



terror (typed-error) is a tiny, zero-dependency, TypeScript-compatible utility for better error-handling patterns in your code. terror enforces a consistent error-handling control-flow by "baking-in" error states as domain-valid return values, reserving unexpectedly thrown errors to represent uncaught bugs, thus avoiding try/catch blocks in regular use.

Returning errors (instead of throwing them) allows the caller to be aware of all possible (expected) error states of a function, integrating typed-errors as a statically checkable return-type for your functions' interfaces (name, parameters, ok result, and error results!).

terror also supports:

  • matching by type (allowing full intellisense of functions' possible error results)
  • cause-chaining (to allow tracking domain-specific error causal-chains)
  • messages (to allow adding human-readable detail to a given error type),
  • context (to allow adding contextual data of error, e.g. failing iteration index/value)

Heavily inspired by neverthrow (npm, github) and Rust's Result type.


View Docs/Examples.

$ yarn add @armix/terror
import { ok, err, fromThrowable } from "@armix/terror";


✔️ Enjoy this:

import { ok, err } from "@armix/terror";
import { getUser } from "...";

async function foo(...) {
  // yay: function doesn't need try/catch, returns Result instead
  const $user = await getUser(...);

  // yay: handle specific conditions if needed
  // yay: intellisense for is(...) to match error types
  if ($user.is("NOT_FOUND")) return ok(undefined);

  // yay: provide a function-domain specific error + ref. of `cause`
  if (!$user.ok) return err("GET_USER_ERROR").$cause($user);

  // yay: handled the error, now safely use the expected value.
  const user = $user.value;

  // yay: didn't have to use let to solve closure problem
  return ok(user);

🗑️ Not this:

// yuck: need to import all errors you wish to handle
import { getUser, NotFoundError } from "...";

// yuck: does every function need it's only error sub-class?
export class FooError extends Error {}

async function foo(...) {
  // yuck: need to define variable outside of try/catch closure
  let user: ReturnType<typeof getUser> | undefined;

  // yuck: all callers need to remember to wrap with try/catch
  try {
    // yuck: need to break indentation to catch potential errors
    user = await getUser(...);
  } catch (e) {
    // yuck: e is `any`, not type-safe, could be anything
    // yuck: need to import all possible error types to compare
    // yuck: need to define custom error sub-classes at all
    if (e instanceof NotFoundError) return undefined;

    // yuck: unable to chain in e, unless custom error class
    if (...) throw new FooError("Unable to get user.");

    // yuck: now foo's caller is to suffer try/catch hell
    throw e;

  return user;

Wrap Unsafe Throwables

// yuck: throwable function
function fn(...) {
  if (...) throw new TypeError(...);
  return result;

✔️ Enjoy this:

// yay: safely wrap the throwable
const safeFn = fromThrowable(fn);

const $result = safeFn(...);
if (!$result.ok) return err(...).by($result);

🗑️ Not this:

// yuck: need to try/catch when calling
try {
} catch (e) {
  throw new Error(...);

Intellisense Support

function foo(...) {
  if (...) return err("AAA");
  if (...) return err("BBB");
  return ok(...);

const $foo = foo(...);
if ($foo.is( ___ )) ...
             ^ can only be: "AAA" | "BBB"

Adding Context/Message Detail

It is often very useful to store context about what specifically caused an error, particularly if an error-chain becomes quite deep or if working with iterable data.

for (const a of items) {
  if (...)
    return err("BAD_FORMAT")
      // yay: add a detailed message without sacrificing an error code/type
      .$message("Item excepts a strict of only uppercase letters")
      // yay: add information about the failing iteration
      .$info({ a });

Fallback To Primitive/Unstructured Error

If you're unable to use fromThrowable to wrap a throwing function, you can create an primitive err using anything for its error value.

// primitive/unstructured err
const $ = err.primitive(new TypeError(...));

$.ok      // false
$.error   // TypeError

2 years ago


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