A drop-in replacement for fs, making various improvements.
A drop-in replacement for fs, making various improvements.
Combine errors into one
Express Error Handler for Async Functions
Show some ❤️ to process errors
Unified node.js error API for mysql, postgres and sqlite3
An implementation of Domain-like error handling, built on async_hooks
Transient exception handling
A 3D camera with hooks for input handling
Full-featured [koa][] body parser! Support parsing text, buffer, json, json patch, json api, csp-report, multipart, form and urlencoded bodies. Works for koa@1, koa@2 and will work for koa@3.
A better error-handler for Lad and Koa. Makes `ctx.throw` awesome (best used with koa-404-handler)
A Node error system
error handling module for node
A graceful error handler for Express applications.
Let you handle exceptions with just one annotation
Wrap async express routes so exceptions can be caught by middleware.
Defensive error handling in component lifecycle
A plugin for attaching the Sentry SDK error handling to Fastify
API server for Lad
Global Apollo Server Error handling made easy. Remove verbose and repetitive resolver / data source Error handling. Ensures no implementation details are ever leaked while preserving internal Error logging.
Hapi error handling module