`Start a promise chain
`Start a promise chain
Node's domain module for the web browser. This is merely an evented try...catch with the same API as node, nothing more.
Retry a promise-returning or async function
Module to wrap try-catch for better performance and cleaner API.
function try-catch wrapper for promises
Break out of functions, recursive or not, in a more composable way than by using exceptions explicitly. Non-local return.
Library that can be used to retry functions that return promise
Basic wrapper for await that allows handling of errors without try/catch blocks
Async/await wrapper with error handling, retry and error override
Transient exception handling
Eliminate null/undefined errors in JS...and more!
Attempts to parse an input string according to the .properties specification.
An asynchronous domain-based exception handler with long stack traces for node.js
Promise.try implementation
Functional try-catch
setInterval with promises, counter and error handling
require, or...
Clean up code by removing try-catch-finally blocks.
Curried function that calls `JSON.parse` on provided input returning either the parsed JSON or the specified default value if the data fails to parse as valid JSON instead of throwing a `SyntaxError`.
Errors that you can catch by type.