beautifier.io for node
beautifier.io for node
Show some ❤️ to process errors
The JavaScript Code Quality Tool
Solidity Code Linter
Tools for verifying/fixing code style based on an EditorConfig file
jsbeautifier.org for grunt
jsbeautifier.org for node
Swiss-army-knife Toolbox for Salesforce Allows you to define a complete CD/CD Pipeline Orchestrate base commands and assist users with interactive wizards
Linter to identify and fix Style & Security issues in Solidity
Linter to identify and fix Style & Security issues in Solidity
Opinionated Stylelint-Configuration
Opinionated Stylelint-Configuration for Sass (scss)
Opinionated Stylelint-Configuration for stylelint plugins
Opinionated Stylelint-Configuration for order specific rules with stylelint-order
beautifier.io for node
🤖 Repeat tests. Repeat tests. Repeat tests.
A posthtml plugin to beautify you html files
Tiny fluent time conversions package for better code readability Edit
Easy to use copy/paste detector for programming code, support JavaScript, CoffeeScript, PHP, Ruby, Python, Less, Go, Java, Yaml, C#, C++, C, Puppet, Twig languages
Lint your project with prettier, eslint, and markdownlint