Web Security automation tooling for Continuous Integration pipelines.
Web Security automation tooling for Continuous Integration pipelines.
🤖 Repeat tests. Repeat tests. Repeat tests.
A unified shared library which aids in building fuzzers for browsers or as complement for an existing fuzzing framework.
Fuzz your HTTP APIs with Artillery
Fuzzing for io-ts codecs and types
Coverage Guided Javascript Fuzzer
Fuzzer for JavaScript
Simple Clientside vulnerability/xss fuzzer
HTTP/S fuzzer
Radamsa from your node
A test case generator / helper class for Mocha tests
A mutation-based general purpose fuzzer.
A TypeScript-based frontend to the radamsa fuzzer. No dependencies on most platforms.
Work with context-free grammars. Parsing, string generation, and manipulation.
Easily running a massive amount of tests with different arguments
Fuzzing with nodejs in style
Radamsa fuzzer backed mqttjs/mqtt-packet@5.6.0 for blind MQTT protocol fuzzing.
Fuzzer for Joi schema
Automatic fuzzer for hapi.js