1.1.0 • Published 8 months ago

@bedrockio/logger v1.1.0

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8 months ago


Structured logger that targets both the console and remote cloud formats. This includes:

  • Pretty formatting for the console.
  • Request logging middleware.
  • Google Cloud structured logger.
  • Google Cloud batched tracing via OpenTelemetry.


yarn install @bedrockio/logger


const logger = require('@bedrockio/logger');
  // Set up gcloud structured logging. Default true.
  logging: true,
  // Set up gcloud tracing. Default true.
  tracing: true,

This initialization code should be added as early as possible in your application.


Enable both logging and tracing and tell the tracing to ignore specific paths.

const logger = require('@bedrockio/logger');
  tracing: {
    ignoreIncomingPaths: ['/'],

Log Levels

In development, setting process.env.LOG_LEVEL will set the log level which silences lower level output:

  • debug
  • info
  • warn
  • error

The default is info which silences debug level logs.



Sets the logger to use console output for development. This is the default.


Sets the logger to output structured logs in JSON format. Accepts an options object:

  • getTracePayload - This connects the logger to tracing, allowing you to batch logs by requests.


Enables batched Google Cloud tracing for Koa and Mongoose. This will allow discovery of slow operations in your application. The Cloud Trace API must be enabled to use this.

Logger Methods


The basic methods will output logs at different levels.

Object Logging

  foo: 'bar',

Passing an object into the console logger will output it as you would see in the console. When using the Google Cloud logger it will output a structured JSON payload that allows inspecting of the object in the logging console.

Multiple Arguments

logger.info('foo', 'bar');
logger.info(obj1, obj2);

Multiple arguments will be concatenated together in the console logger. The Google Cloud logger will present a truncated message and export complex objects to the JSON payload.

String Formatting

logger.info('%s -> %s', 'foo', 'bar'); // foo -> bar

Basic printf style formatting is supported out of the box by the console logger, and the Google Cloud console will format basic tokens (%s, %d, and %i). Note that decimal precision formatting such as "%.2d" is not supported.


Koa middleware that logs HTTP requests:

const Koa = require('koa');
const logger = require('@bedrockio/logging');

const app = new Koa();

Recording Request Body

The logger middleware allows the request body to be recorded in the logs. This must be opted into:

   recordParams: [
      // Record all params for this route with status >= 400
      path: '/1/foo',
      // Record all params for this route with status >= 200
      status: 200,
      path: '/1/foo',
      // Record only POST requests
      method: 'POST',
      path: '/1/foo',
      // Match path by regex
      path: /\/1\//foo/,
      // Include only specific params
      include: ['shop']
      // Include all but excluded params
      exclude: ['shop']
      // Params also support regexes
      include: [/shop/]

Passing true for the flag here will enable for all requests.

// Records all request >= (over status 400 by default)
   recordParams: true,