0.0.17 • Published 4 years ago

@blockv/cli v0.0.17

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4 years ago

BLOCKv CLI tools

This provides a set of CLI tools for publishing and interacting with vAtoms on the BLOCKv platform.

To install or update, make sure you have Node installed and then run npm install -g @blockv/cli.


# See help info and version
# Get help on any command
blockv <command> --help
# Log in to prod or dev. Must be called first before any other commands to set up a session.
blockv login --user <email> --password <pwd>
blockv login --user <email> --password <pwd> --dev
# Fetch details about a vAtom, a variation, or a template
blockv read --id <vatom-id>
blockv read --variation <id>
blockv read --template <id>
# Publish a vatom template
blockv publish --variation <id>
blockv publish --template <id>
# Check your account's VEE balance
blockv balance
# Create or modify an App ID
blockv app-create --name "My App"
blockv app-modify --id xxx --redirect "https://myapp.com/oauth"
# Brain commands
blockv brain-register --variation <id> --init Drop --shutdown Pickup
blockv brain-upload --variation <id> --path /path/to/my_brain.js
blockv brain-shutdown --variation <id>
# Text-based vAtom designer
blockv autocreate