2.0.0-rc.1 • Published 4 years ago

@brix-ui/fonts v2.0.0-rc.1

Weekly downloads
Last release
4 years ago


Default fonts accepted by the Brix UI theme.


npm i @brix-ui/core # styled-components react react-dom
yarn add @brix-ui/core # styled-components react react-dom

Make sure to have react, react-dom and styled-components installed in your package as they are included in our peer dependencies.


Main goal of this package is to give almost zero-effort experience of connecting the fonts to your application. Fonts being used here are the ones implemented in the Brix UI design system:

  • Source Sans Pro for body
  • Merriweather for article
  • Inconsolata for code

The easiest way to use this package is by including the <Fonts /> component inside out <ThemeProvider />:

import ThemeProvider from '@brix-ui/theme';
import Fonts from '@brix-ui/fonts';

// ...

  <App />

  <Fonts />

You also have the ability to override the defaults by providing this component with information about each font you want to be changed or by writing you own @font-face declarations.