Detect the file type of a file, stream, or data
Detect the file type of a file, stream, or data
Convert TTF font to WOFF
Converts SVG font to TTF font
Convert TTF font to EOT
Convert TTF files to WOFF2 ones.
OpenType font parser
Generator of webfonts from svg icons
Create a WOFF font from a TTF one
Create a WOFF2 font from a TTF font
Create a TTF font from an SVG font
Create an EOT font from a TTF one
Generator of fonts from svg icons, svg icons to svg font, svg font to ttf, ttf to eot, ttf to woff, ttf to woff2
Convert TTF font to WOFF2
Generator of webfonts from svg icons
Source Sans Pro is a set of OpenType fonts that have been designed to work well in user interface (UI) environments.
fonts (ttf, woff, woff2, eot, svg, otf) parse, write, transform, glyph adjust.
Ultimate SVG to webfont converter for Grunt.
List full paths to all system fonts
Quickly find system font names and metadata without native dependencies
Typr.ts - process fonts in TypeScript.