0.0.2 • Published 6 years ago

@brycemarshall/flexiboard-ionic v0.0.2

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6 years ago


A customisable virtual keyboard implementation for the Ionic framework. A keyboard can be defined either in markup, or in code (by injecting a FlexiboardDefinitionProvider implementation).

Virtual keyboards are rendered using CSS Flexbox layout rules. A keyboard is defined using rows, columns, and key definitions, each of which exposes a flexGrow property.

See the CSS Flexbox specification/documentation for information on the Flexbox layout.


npm i @brycemarshall/flexiboard-ionic

Component Styling and Themes

The component supports custom themes, and four are provided "out of the box". They include:

  • Ionic
  • Dark
  • Light
  • Messenger

It is recommended that both the base styles and any required theme styles are imported from the app.scss file (example below).

// src/app/app.scss

@import '@brycemarshall/flexiboard-ionic/flexiboard';
@import '@brycemarshall/flexiboard-ionic/theme-ionic';
// @import '@brycemarshall/flexiboard-ionic/theme-dark';
// @import '@brycemarshall/flexiboard-ionic/theme-light';
// @import '@brycemarshall/flexiboard-ionic/theme-messenger';

FlexiboardModule module Import

The Flexiboard module should be explicitly imported by any module that uses the component. Example:

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { IonicPageModule } from 'ionic-angular';
import { InputPage } from './input';
import { FlexiboardModule } from '@brycemarshall/flexiboard-ionic';

  declarations: [
  imports: [
export class InputPageModule {}

Basic Usage (Markup Keyboard Definition)

    <ion-title>Markup Template Demo</ion-title>

<flexiboard [visible]="true" theme="ionic"  (keyTap)="onTap($event)" (keyPress)="onPress($event)">
  <flexiboard-column [flexGrow]="2">
    <flexiboard-key id="A"></flexiboard-key>
      <flexiboard-column [flexGrow]="3">
            <flexiboard-key id="1" [value]="1"></flexiboard-key>
            <flexiboard-key id="2" [value]="2" subtext="ABC"></flexiboard-key>
            <flexiboard-key id="3" [value]="3" subtext="DEF"></flexiboard-key>          
            <flexiboard-key id="mail" iconName="md-mail" subtext="MAIL"></flexiboard-key>
            <flexiboard-key id="0" [value]="0" subtext="+"></flexiboard-key>
            <flexiboard-key id="keypad" iconName="md-keypad"></flexiboard-key>
            <flexiboard-key id="B"></flexiboard-key>
            <flexiboard-key id="C" [flexGrow]="2"></flexiboard-key>
      <flexiboard-column [flexGrow]="1">
          <flexiboard-key id="D"></flexiboard-key>
          <flexiboard-key id="located" iconName="md-locate" subtext="LOCATE" [action]="true"></flexiboard-key>
    <flexiboard-key id="done" [text]="doneText" [iconName]="doneIcon" [action]="true"></flexiboard-key>

Basic Usage (Injected Keyboard Definition)

    <ion-title>Markup Template Demo</ion-title>

<flexiboard [visible]="true" theme="ionic" keyboard="number" (keyTap)="onTap($event)" (keyPress)="onPress($event)">

Basic Usage (Additional External Components)

Additional components can be included in the markup whether the virtual keyboard definition is described in the markup or in an injected FlexiboardDefinitionProvider.

In this example the root component is an ion-toolbar element, however any element that is not a flexiboard-row or flexiboard-column element will be rendered above the virtual keyboard.

    <ion-title>Markup Template Demo</ion-title>

<flexiboard [visible]="true" theme="ionic" keyboard="number" (keyTap)="onTap($event)" (keyPress)="onPress($event)">
    <ion-toolbar no-border-bottom>
        <ion-buttons start>
            <button ion-button (click)="hideKeyboard()">Cancel</button>

Page Component Code Example with Injected FlexiboardDefinitionProvider

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { FlexiboardComponent, KeyInstance, FlexiboardDefinitionProvider } from '@brycemarshall/flexiboard-ionic';
import { DefinitionProvider } from './my-custom-definition-provider';

    selector: 'page-input',
    templateUrl: 'input.html',
    providers: [
        { provide: FlexiboardDefinitionProvider, useClass: DefinitionProvider }]
export class InputPage {
    @ViewChild(FlexiboardComponent) keyboard: FlexiboardComponent;

    onTap(key: keyInstance) {

    onPress(key: keyInstance) {

FlexiboardDefinitionProvider Implementation Example

export class DefinitionProvider extends FlexiboardDefinitionProvider {
    getKeyboardDefinition(name: string): FlexiItem[] {
        switch (name) {
            case "number":
                return numberFormat();

            case "phone":
                return phoneFormat();

            case "mock":
                return mockFormat();

        return null;

function numberFormat(): FlexiItem[] {
    return [
        { type: "row", items: [{ id: "1", value: 1 }, { id: "2", value: 2 }, { id: "3", value: 3 }, { id: "back", iconName: "backspace", keyMap: "Backspace", action: true }] },
        { type: "row", items: [{ id: "4", value: 4 }, { id: "5", value: 5 }, { id: "6", value: 6 }, { id: "next", text: "Next", keyMap: "ArrowRight;ArrowDown", action: true }] },
        { type: "row", items: [{ id: "7", value: 7 }, { id: "8", value: 8 }, { id: "9", value: 9 }, { id: "done", text: "Done", keyMap: "Enter", action: true }] },
            type: "row",
            items: [
                { id: "0", value: 0 },
                { id: "." },
                { id: "cancel", iconName: "close", keyMap: "Escape", action: true }

function phoneFormat(): FlexiItem[] {
    return [
        { type: "row", items: [{ id: "1", value: 1 }, { id: "2", value: 2, subtext: "ABC" }, { id: "3", value: 3, subtext: "DEF" }] },
        { type: "row", items: [{ id: "4", value: 4, subtext: "GHI" }, { id: "5", value: 5, subtext: "JKL" }, { id: "6", value: 6, subtext: "MNO" }] },
        { type: "row", items: [{ id: "7", value: 7, subtext: "PQRS" }, { id: "", value: 8, subtext: "TUV" }, { id: "8", value: 9, subtext: "WXYZ" }] },
        { type: "row", items: [{ id: "*" }, { id: "0", value: 0, subtext: "+" }, { id: "#" }] }

function mockFormat(): FlexiItem[] {
    return [
            type: "column",
            items: [
                { id: "A" },
                    type: "row",
                    items: [
                            type: "column",
                            flexGrow: 3,
                            items: [
                                    type: "row",
                                    items: [
                                        { id: "1", value: 1 },
                                        { type: "blank" },
                                        { id: "3", value: 3, subtext: "DEF" }
                                    type: "row",
                                    items: [
                                        { id: "mail", iconName: "md-mail", subtext: "MAIL" },
                                        { id: "0", value: 0, subtext: "+" },
                                        { id: "keypad", iconName: "md-keypad" }
                                    type: "row",
                                    items: [
                                        { id: "B" },
                                        { flexGrow: 2 }
                            type: "column",
                            flexGrow: 1,
                            items: [
                                { type: "blank" },
                                { id: "locate", iconName: "md-locate", subtext: "LOCATE", action: true }
                { id: "done", text: "Done", action: true }

Package Exports

The package exports the following types:

 * The Flexiboard component module.
export declare class FlexiboardModule {
 * Used internally by the Flexiboard component.
export declare abstract class FlexiboardService {
 * Represents a Flexiboard custom keyboard component.
export declare class FlexiboardComponent {
    private _svc;
    constructor(el: ElementRef, _svc: FlexiboardService);
    private ngOnInit();
    private ngOnDestroy();
    * The event raised when the user taps a key.
    readonly keyboardInit: EventEmitter<void>;
     * The event raised when the user taps a key.
    readonly keyTap: EventEmitter<KeyInstance>;
     * The event raised when a user presses a key.
    readonly keyPress: EventEmitter<KeyInstance>;
     * The event raised when the keyboard's visibility changes.
    readonly visibilityChanged: EventEmitter<boolean>;
     * The event raised after the keyboard's visibility has changed and the CSS transition that shows or hides the keyboard has completed.
    readonly transitioned: EventEmitter<boolean>;
     * Gets or sets the name of the keyboard template to use.
     * The template must be supported by an injected FlexiboardDefinitionProvider instance in the current scope, and will override any markup-template
     * that might be defined within the tags of the Flexiboard component element.
    keyboard: string;
     * Gets or sets the name of the theme used to style the component.
    theme: string;
     * Gets or sets a value determining the position in which the keyboard is aligned. Valid values are "left", "center" (default), and "right".
    align: string;
     * Gets or sets a value determining whether or not the keyboard is rendered with round buttons. The default value is false.
    roundButtons: boolean;
     * Gets or sets a value determining whether or not the keyboard can be closed (hidden) with a swipe gesture. The default value is true.
    swipeEnabled: boolean;
     * Gets or sets the width of the keyboard. Any CSS width expressed as a pixel or percentage value is valid.
    width: string;
     * Gets or sets a value determining whether or not hardware keystrokes are captured and emitted as virtual keyboard key-press events.
    hardCapture: boolean;
   * Gets or sets a value determining whether or not the keyboard is visible. The default value is false.
    visible: boolean;
     * Returns an array of KeyInstance instances representing all keys in the virtual keyboard.
    getAllKeys(): KeyInstance[];
     * Returns an array of KeyInstance instances representing the keys in the virtual keyboard that are matched by the specified filter function.
     * @param filter The filter function.
    getKeys(filter: (key: KeyInstance) => boolean): KeyInstance[];
     * Returns a KeyInstance instance representing the virtual keyboard key with the specified id, or null if no such key exists.
     * @param id The id of the requested key.
    getKey(id: string): KeyInstance;
     * Iterates the collection of keys in the virtual keyboard, invoking the specified handler function for each one.
     * @param handler The handler function.
    forEachKey(handler: (key: KeyInstance) => void): void;
     * Shows the keyboard (sets the visible property to true) and invokes the specified callback function only after any associated CSS transition has completed.
     * @param callback The optional callback function.
     * @param callbackArgs Optional arguments to pass to the callback function.
    show(callback?: (args?: any) => void, callbackArgs?: any): void;
     * Hides the keyboard (sets the visible property to false), and invokes the specified callback function only after any associated CSS transition has completed.
     * @param callback The optional callback function.
     * @param callbackArgs Optional arguments to pass to the callback function.
    hide(callback?: (args?: any) => void, callbackArgs?: any): void;
    private getBaseClasses();
    private readonly textFontSize;
 * The base class for all Flexiboard subcomponents.
export declare abstract class FlexCompBase {
    protected _svc: FlexiboardService;
    protected abstract _item: FlexiGroup | FlexiKey;
    constructor(svc: FlexiboardService);
     * Gets or sets the flex-grow value for the rendered element.
    flexGrow: number;
 * The base class for all Flexiboard subcomponents that can themselves host subcomponents.
export declare abstract class HostCompBase extends FlexCompBase {
    _viewContainer: ViewContainerRef;
    protected _item: FlexiGroup;
    constructor(svc: FlexiboardService);
    ngOnInit(): void;
    protected readonly abstract _items: FlexiItem[];
 * FlexiContainerComponent instances are used internally by the Flexiboard component.
export declare class FlexiContainerComponent extends HostCompBase {
    private _injector;
    private _resolver;
    protected _items: FlexiItem[];
    constructor(_injector: Injector, _resolver: ComponentFactoryResolver, svc: FlexiboardService);
     * Override the default ngOnInit.
    ngOnInit(): void;
    ngAfterContentChecked(): void;
    ngOnDestroy(): void;
 * Represents a row in a virtual keyboard template.
export declare class FlexiRowComponent extends HostCompBase {
    private _resolver;
    constructor(_resolver: ComponentFactoryResolver, svc: FlexiboardService);
    protected readonly _items: FlexiItem[];
 * Represents a column in a virtual keyboard template.
export declare class FlexiColumnComponent extends HostCompBase {
    private _resolver;
    constructor(_resolver: ComponentFactoryResolver, svc: FlexiboardService);
    protected readonly _items: FlexiItem[];
 * Represents a key in a virtual keyboard template.
export declare class FlexiKeyComponent extends FlexCompBase {
    protected _item: FlexiKey;
    constructor(svc: FlexiboardService);
    ngOnInit(): void;
    id: string;
    value: any;
    text: string;
    subtext: string;
    iconName: string;
    cssClass: string;
    action: boolean;
    disabled: boolean;
    private btnTap(e);
    private btnPress(e);
    private readonly minHeight;
    private readonly size;
    private getWrapperClasses();
    private getKeyClasses();
    private getText();
    private hasIcon();
    private hasSubtext();
    readonly isDisabled: string;
 * Represents a blank spacer in a virtual keyboard template.
export declare class FlexiBlankComponent extends FlexCompBase {
    protected _item: FlexiKey;
    constructor(svc: FlexiboardService);
 * The base class for all Flexiboard keyboard definition provider implementations.
export declare abstract class FlexiboardDefinitionProvider {
    abstract getKeyboardDefinition(name: string): FlexiItem[];
 * A type which defines a component that can be rendered by a Flexiboard instance.
export declare type FlexiItem = FlexiGroup | FlexiKey | FlexiBlank;
 * The base interface implemented by all FlexiItem definition types.
export interface FlexiItemBase {
     * The type of this instance.
     * Valid values are "column", "row", "key", and "blank" (a missing or unassigned property defaults to "key" if the value property is present or otherwise to "blank").
    type?: string;
     * The flex-grow value for the rendered element.
    flexGrow?: number;
 * Represents a blank spacers within a keyboard definition.
export interface FlexiBlank extends FlexiItemBase {
 * The base interface for all FlexiItem definitions that can host child FlexiItem definitions.
export interface FlexiGroup extends FlexiBlank {
     * The items contained within this group instance.
    items: FlexiItem[];
 * Represents a Flexiboard key definition.
export interface FlexiKey extends FlexiBlank {
     * The flex-grow value for the rendered key element.
    flexGrow?: number;
     * One or more custom CSS classes (separated by spaces) to be applied to this key instance.
    cssClass?: string;
     * The name of the key icon (takes priority over the text property).
    iconName?: string;
     * The key text (defers to the iconName property, and falls-back to the value property and then to the id property if neither iconName or text are specified).
    text?: string;
     * The optional key subtext.
    subtext?: string;
     * Specifies whether or not this key instance is an "action" key. Themes should ensure that action keys are rendered in a distinctive style.
    action?: boolean;
     * Specifies the mapping of native (hardware) keys to the virtual keyboard. If not specified, the id property will be used for mapping.
     * Multiple mappings may be specified using the semicolon (';') character as a delimiter.
     * Mapping the  semicolon character itself requires that it be escaped using the forwardslash character ("/;"), and similarly the forwardslash character must be escaped with itself ("//").
     * The value(s) used must correspond to a valid value of the "key" property of the KeyboardEvent DOM object.
     * Examples: keyMap: "1" | "a;A" | "Backspace" | "Enter" | "/;" | "//"
    keyMap?: string;
     * The value passed to keyTap and keyPress event subscribers when a key is pressed (the id property will be used if value is not explictly specified).
    value?: any;
     * The id of the key.
     * This value should be unique within the keyboard definition, and will be passed to keyTap event subscribers if no explicit value has been assigned to the value property.
    id: string;
 * Represents a Flexiboard key instance.
export interface KeyInstance {
     * Gets the id of the key.
    readonly id: string;
     * Gets or sets the key value.
    value: any;
     * Gets or sets the key text.
    text: string;
     * Gets or sets the key subtext.
    subtext: string;
     * Gets or sets the key icon name.
    iconName: string;
     * Gets or sets the custom CSS classes to be applied to the key instance.
    cssClass: string;
     * Gets or sets a value determining whether or not the key should be rendered as an action key.
    action: boolean;
     * Gets or sets a value determining whether or not the key is disabled.
    disabled: boolean;