Check if a string only contains alphanumeric characters
Check if a string only contains alphanumeric characters
Clean up regular expressions
## Install
Regex to match a percentage value
Convert digits to words
<!-- TODO: update this -->
<!-- TODO: update this -->
<!-- TODO: update this -->
Generate a short sha1 hash from a file's contents
<!-- TODO: update this -->
Angular numeric input directive
Đọc số thành chữ trong Tiếng Việt
A light-weight utility to convert arabic digits to english or modern digits and vice versa.
Validates if an input has a digit
simple yet fully customizable rolling digits/odometer effect for react
gs1 checkdigit generation and validation
Increment and Decrement alpha-numeric string
Pad numbers with zeros. Automatically pad the number of digits based on the length of the array, or explicitly pass in the number of digits to use.
Conversion and transliteration of English to Nepali numbers and vice versa
Validate digit numbers through separated inputs