Amazingly short non-sequential url-friendly unique id generator.
Amazingly short non-sequential url-friendly unique id generator.
A simple list of CSS shorthand properties and which longhand properties they expand to
Parse CLI help output
CSS Shorthand expander/combiner
Alias the long version of a command to the short version, with optional messaging.
Parse, normalize and validate given semver shorthand (e.g. gulp@v3.8.10) to object.
A url shortener and expander powered by Google's URL shortening service
Compact number formatting logic
Generate random or sequential UUID of any length URL Shortener Node.js Module URL Shortener Node.js Module
Use this in CSS
Shorten sets of strings deterministically, to be git-friendly
Converts long numbers to pretty, human-readable strings
Amazingly short non-sequential human-friendly unique id generator.
Use more border-radius properties in CSS
Define sides within the position property in CSS
Use this in CSS
Define background-color within the color property in CSS
Define line-height within the font-size property in CSS