0.12.3 • Published 3 years ago

@draadnl/openstad-cms v0.12.3

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3 years ago

Openstad CMS

An implementation of apostrophecms for Amsterdam open democracy

This is the Openstad cms package based on ApostropheCms framework


Getting started

If you want to configure your project manually follow the steps below. You can also start with this boilerplate project: OpenstadCms TODO: create boilerplate project

1. Install package

npm install --save @openstad/cms

2. Set .env values

#default name of db in mongodb, in doubt leave this to localhost
#Set this the default website (in development this is your local url)
#should be defined in API config, is needed to get sensitive Site configuration

3. Run NPM install

npm i

4. Setup your application

create a index.js file with this content:

const openstadCms = require('@openstad/cms');


var apos = openstadCms.site({
  bundles: ['@openstad/cms'],
  // See lib/modules for basic project-level configuration of our modules
  // responsible for serving static assets, managing page templates and
  // configuring user accounts.

  modules: {  }

If you want to use the cli, create a apostrophe.js file with this content:

const openstadCms = require('@openstad/cms');
const modules = require('./modules').default;

const config = openstadCms.getDefaultConfig(modules);
const app = openstadCms.getSingleApp();


5. Create admin user

Run the following command to create a user named admin, belonging to the group admin.

node app.js apostrophe-users:add admin admin

Then visit your local website. This will trigger a password prompt in your terminal. Set the password. You can now login to the cms at /login.

6. Run dev server

node index.js

Running multiple sites

It's possible to run multiple sites on this one apostrophecms installation. Soon more information on how.

  • Every site is using a seperate mongodb
  • Every site is using a different site id in the api, where you can add configuration (e.g. mongodb settings)

Apostrophe generation

Because of the multisite setup it's not possible anymore to run node app apostrophe:generation. To run this task you can use the apostrophe.js file. node apostrophe apostrophe:generation this file is using the SAMPLE_DB variable to save the generation id. The multisite setup is using the SAMPLE_DB in the assets part for every website.

Custom logging provider

It's possible to set a custom log provider on the client side, this logger will log all errors to the provider. Currently only Bugsnag is supported, to configure the bugsnag provider you can add these env variables:

Note: When you create a new project in Bugsnag you need to select the Native Javascript module.


Using the map-widgets

If you want to use a map in your custom module you can extend the map-widgets in the index.js of your module.

module.exports = {
  extend: 'map-widgets'

Use the mapConfigBuilder on the server side to add data to your map:

widget.mapConfig = self.getMapConfigBuilder(globalData)
         mapCenterLat: 52.0,
         mapCenterLng: 4.1,
         mapZoomLevel: 16,
         zoomControl: true,
         disableDefaultUI : true,
         styles: ''
     .setPolygon(req.data.global.mapPolygons || null)

You also need to extend the map-widgets on the client side:

apos.define('idea-single-widgets', {
    extend: 'map-widgets',
    construct: function(self, options) {
        self.play = function($widget, data, options) {          

Sync api config fields

Sync widget fields with the api config:

  • Enable the sync by setting this property in the widget: openstadApiConfigSync: true,
  • Select config field from the api config: apiSyncField: 'ideas.minimumYesVotes',

Full widget example:

 module.exports = {
   extend: 'openstad-widgets',
   openstadApiConfigSync: true,
   addFields: [{
      name: 'minimumVotes',
      type: 'integer',
      label: 'Minimum votes for an idea',
      apiSyncField: 'ideas.minimumYesVotes',
   construct: function(self, options) {


Overriding modules

Every module from the Openstad Cms package is overridable, just like apostrophecms modules. ApostropheCms documentation: https://docs.apostrophecms.org/core-concepts/technical-overview.html#project-level-overriding-and-extending-apostrophe-in-your-project