1.1.16 • Published 12 months ago
@dunkbing/network-viewer v1.1.16

Network-Viewer is a redefined HAR viewer human friendly view of requests which is build with React.
The main purpose of this web application is to help you to view HAR files with many features like filters, search, timline charts etc.
If you are interested contributing to this library, please have a look into our Contributing Guidelines. We love to see any kind of contributions 😊!
Main features of Network-Viewer are:
- Import/Upload HAR file
- Fetch HAR file using queryString url use
and to enable CORS passisCORSEnabled=true
(by default CORS is disabled) - Search request by URL or body content
- Filter request by XHR, JS, CSS, Image, Media, Font, Doc, WebSocket, Manifest
- Errors Only filter to filter request by error status (where status code is greater than or equal to 400)
- WaterFall chart to display timeline of request which includes
- Stats at footer to show number of requests, data transfered size, resoruces size, and time metrics like Page Load, DOMContentLoaded and Finished time
- Request Detail section is available on click of request, response content is available for JSON and XML responses.
How to use
Import/Upload HAR file
Visit https://opensource.saucelabs.com/network-viewer/ and Import your HAR file via drag&drop.
Fetch HAR file
as queryString to pass HAR file urlisCORSEnabled=true
as queryString to enable CORS support (by default CORS is disabled)
Use it as react library
$ npm install network-viewer
import { NetworkViewer } from 'network-viewer';
<NetworkViewer />
prop | Type | Default | Values | Description |
autoHighlightChange | Bool | false | true, false | To allow change request highlight on scrollTimeStamp change when requestDetail is visible |
containerClassName | String | null | custom-class to overwrite network-viewer's default style | |
data | Object | null | { log: { entries: [], pages: [] } } | HAR file data which should contain log.entries and log.pages |
fetchOptions | Object | { withCredentials: true } | axios request option can be set here to fetch HAR file | |
file | String | null | HAR file URL to fetch requests | |
onDataLoaded | Func | null | (data) => {} | This function will receive loaded data on file is being fetched |
onDataError | Func | null | (error) => {} | This function is called when loading data fails |
onRequestSelect | Func | null | (requestDetail) => {} | This function will receive request detail on request select |
options | Object | {showImportHAR: true, showTimeline: false} | showImportHar: to show/hide import button and modal, showTimeline: to show/hide top timeline of requests | |
scrollRequestPosition | String | near | before, after, near | to find and highlight network request by timestamp, |
near: find request near to timestamp before: find request exactBefore the timestamp after: find request exactAfter the timestamp | | scrollTimeStamp | Number | null | | Find and highlight network request by timestamp |