1.1.0 • Published 1 year ago

@fatehmoh/mui-awesome-table v1.1.0

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1 year ago


Full customizable generic MUI table React component

  • 100 % Typescript
  • Full customization
  • A presentational component
  • Respect of Open/Closed principles with a full extensibility
    1. Add of pagination and search on demand
    2. Add of row actions on demand
    3. Add collapse feature to show more details on demand
    4. Smart cells building by passing a render method. Example: use a chip component for a specific cell
  • Support of Sorting, Pagination, Collapsible Table, Search
  • Generic component that allows to pass your data type into your component making it reusable, strongly typed and clean. For instance if you wanna use it for TODO list, here is the clean way

    export Interface TODO {
    		   name: string
    		   status: 'pending' | 'done'
    <MuiAwesomeTable<TODO>  ...props />

🍴 How to use it?


npm install @fatehmoh/mui-awesome-table Or yarn add @fatehmoh/mui-awesome-table

Full example

// import the component and exported types that you need
import { MuiAwesomeTable, HeadCell, Action, Order } from  '@fatehmoh/mui-awesome-table'

export Interface TODO {
  name: string
  status: 'pending' | 'done'
// Usually data came from an http call
const dummy_todos = [{name: 'todo1', status: 'pending'},{name: 'todo2', status: 'done'}]

export const TODOS = () => {
 const [todos, setTodos] =  useState(dummy_todos)
 const [pagination, setPagination] =  useState({
     page: 0,
     rowsPerPage: 25,
     count: dummy_todos.length,
 // Head Cells
 const todoCells:  HeadCell<TODO>[] = [
     id: 'name',
     label: 'Name',
     render: (value) => value,
     showOnCollapse: false,
     id: 'status',
     label: 'Status',
     render: (value) => (<Chip  color='success'  icon={<PendingIcon/>} label={value} variant='outlined' />),
     showOnCollapse: false,
 // Row Actions
 const todoActions:Action<TODO>[] = [
     id: 'edit',
     render: (todo:  TODO) => (<MenuItem  id='edit-menu-item'  key={`edit-${todo.name}`} onClick={(e) =>  handleEdit(e, todo)}> <EditIcon/> Edit </MenuItem>)
     id: 'remove',
     render: (todo:  TODO) => (<MenuItem  id='remove-menu-item'  key=	 {`remove-${todo.id}`} onClick={(e) =>  handleRemove(e, todo)}> <DeleteIcon /> Remove </MenuItem>)

 // Trigger a new http call based on the following events 
 // [sort, page/rowsPerPage changes, row actions]

 const onSortEvent = (sortBy: string, order: Order) => {
 const pageChanged = (page:  number) => {
   setPagination({ ...pagination, page })
 const rowsPerPageChanged  = (rowsPerPage:  number) => {
   setPagination({ ...pagination, rowsPerPage, page: 0 })
 const handleRemove = (e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLLIElement, MouseEvent>, todo: TODO) => console.log('REMOVE CALLED ON', todo)

 const handleEdit = (e:  React.MouseEvent<HTMLLIElement, MouseEvent>, todo:  TODO) => console.log('EDIT CALLED ON', todo)
 const onSearchEvent = (query: string) => {
		console.log(`Search query : ${query}`)
	const onCancelSearchEvent = () => {
		console.log(`Cancelling search ...`)

 return (
     isSearchable = {true}
			onPageChanged={(page: number) => pageChanged(page)}
			onRowsPerPageChanged={(rowsPerPage: number) =>  rowsPerPageChanged(rowsPerPage)}
			onSort={(sortBy: string,order: Order) => onSortEvent(sortBy, order)}
     onSearch={(query: string) => onSearchEvent(query)}
			onCancelSearch={() => onCancelSearchEvent()}

After installation done, let's start by the props (props and callback props). MuiAwesomeTable flow chart:

%%{init: {'theme': 'forest', "flowchart" : { "curve" : "basis" } } }%%
graph LR
A{Parent component} -- Items -->B((MuiAwesomeTable))
A{Parent component} -- HeadCells --> B((MuiAwesomeTable))
A{Parent component} -- Actions --> B((MuiAwesomeTable))
A{Parent component} -- Pagination --> B((MuiAwesomeTable))
B -- onSort Event --> A
B -- onPageChanged Event --> A
B -- onRowsPerPageChanged Event --> A

Here is the props type of our magic component

export interface AwesomeTableProps<T> {
  items: T[]
  headCells: HeadCell<T>[]
  actions?: Action<T>[]
  pagination?: Pagination
  isSearchable?: boolean
  onSort?: (sortBy:  keyof  T, sortOrder:  Order) =>  void
  onPageChanged?: (page:  number) =>  void
  onRowsPerPageChanged?: (rowsPerPage:  number) =>  void
  onSearch?: (query: string) => void
	onCancelSearch?: () => void


items (required)

Items property is the data array of type T[]

headCells (required)

HeadCells is an easy and complete way to define your table head cells, their ids, labels, and how to render each cell using a render method that returns a ReactNode. If you need to enable Collapse features on your table, you have to set showOnCollapse to true on at least one element of the todoCells below. Properties that have showOnCollapse equal to true will be displayed on the collapse content. Check Mui docs for more details https://mui.com/material-ui/react-table/#collapsible-table

For our TODO example, a headCells array that you have to prepare should look like this:

import { HeadCell } from  '@fatehmoh/mui-awesome-table'
const  todoCells: HeadCell<TODO>[] = [
  id: 'name',
  label: 'Name',
  render: (value) =>  value,
  // showOnCollapse is used to distinguish cells that are visible by default
  // and those displayed on collapse event when isCollapsible is true
  showOnCollapse: false,
  id: 'status',
  label: 'Status',
  // You have to possibility to render the status as a ReactNode
  render: (value) => (<Chip color='success' icon={<PendingIcon/>} label={value} variant='outlined' />),
  showOnCollapse: false,

🚨 Only the properties that are present in headCells config can be shown inside MuiAwesomeTable component

actions (optional)

Full customizable list of row actions. Here is how you add EDIT/REMOVE actions to a TODO row by defining 1. The rendering 2. The callback for that action event

import { Action } from  '@fatehmoh/mui-awesome-table'
const  todoActions:Action<TODO>[] = [
   id: 'edit',
   render: (todo: TODO) => (<MenuItem  id='edit-menu-item'  key={`edit-${todo.name}`} onClick={(e) =>  handleEdit(e, todo)}>
              <EditIcon/> Edit </MenuItem>),
  id: 'remove',
  render: (todo: TODO) => (<MenuItem id='remove-menu-item' key={`remove-${todo.id}`} onClick={(e) =>  handleRemove(e, todo)}>
    <DeleteIcon  /> Remove </MenuItem>),

pagination (optional)

A pagination object that contains the current page, rows per page and count.

export interface Pagination {

🚨 If pagination is not present in component props the pagination feature is disabled 🚨 default rowsPerPage values are 5, 15, 25, But it can be changed based on your rowsPerPage value if it not in the default range

isSearchable (optional | default false)

Prop to show or hide the search bar

onSort (callback)

Get the event when the user clicks on one of the table headers to sort the values

import { Order } from  '@fatehmoh/mui-awesome-table'
  onSort={(sortBy: string,order: Order) => console.log(`Sorting: ${sortBy}${order}`)}

It provides the sortBy and the order ('desc' | 'asc')

onPageChanged (callback)

Get the event when the user clicks on next or previous page

  onPageChanged={(page: number) => pageChanged(page)}

It provides the current page as a number

onRowsperPageChanged (callback)

Get the event when the user change the number of rows per page from the dropdown list

  onRowsPerPageChanged={(rowsPerPage: number) =>  rowsPerPageChanged(rowsPerPage)}

It provides the rows per page as a number

onSearch (callback)

Return the query as string on search event

  onSearch={(query: string) => onSearchEvent(query)}

onCancelSearch (callback)

Event triggered when the user cancel the search operation

  onCancelSearch={() => onCancelSearchEvent()}