Angular Material
Angular Material
Dist for Material Design Webfont. This includes the Stock and Community icons in a single webfont collection.
Datatable for React based on https://material-ui.com/api/table/ with additional features
Material Design icons by Google
A react component to format phone numbers
Drawer navigator component for React Navigation
Material Design Icons DX
Drawer navigator component with animated transitions and gesturess
🛠️ Useful exported utilities for working with Schematics
Responsive React UI components
Angular component providing an input field for searching / filtering MatSelect options of the Angular Material library.
Integration for the animated tab view component from react-native-tab-view
A chip input field using Material-UI.
Latest icon fonts and CSS for self-hosting material design icons.
**[Support for legacy AngularJS ended on January 1st, 2022](https://goo.gle/angularjs-end-of-life). [See `@angular/core` for the actively supported Angular](https://npmjs.com/@angular/core).**
An extended table to integration with some of the most widely used CSS frameworks. (Supports Bootstrap, Semantic UI, Bulma, Material Design, Foundation)
Base component for touchable elements
Storybook Addon for Material UI Library
Material Design Icons for React
Material-UI SvgIcon components for Material Design Icons.