1.0.3 • Published 7 years ago

@floatboth/broccoli-zopfli v1.0.3

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Last release
7 years ago

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Broccoli Zopfli gzip plugin

Fork of broccoli-gzip to use Zopfli instead of gzip to perform gzip compression. All credit goes to the original authors of broccoli-gzip.

This version is compatible with Broccoli 1.x.

Uses WebAssembly compiled Zopfli to avoid all the native compilation.


$ npm i @floatboth/broccoli-zopfli


const zopfliGzipFiles = require('@floatboth/broccoli-zopfli')

const tree = zopfliGzipFiles('app', {
  extensions: ['js', 'css', 'svg']


zopfliGzipFiles(inputTree, options)

options.extensions {Array} (required)

The file extensions that should be compressed.

options.keepUncompressed {Boolean} (optional, default false)

Whether to keep uncompressed versions of the files in the resulting tree.

options.appendSuffix {Boolean} (optional, default true)

Whether to append the .gz extension suffix to compressed files.

options.numIterations {Number} (optional, default 15)

Maximum amount of times to rerun forward and backward pass to optimize LZ77 compression cost. Good values: 10, 15 for small files, 5 for files over several MB in size or it will be too slow.

options.blockSplitting {Boolean} (optional, default true)

If true, splits the data in multiple deflate blocks with optimal choice for the block boundaries. Block splitting gives better compression.

options.blockSplittingMax {Number} (optional, default 15)

Maximum amount of blocks to split into (0 for unlimited, but this can give extreme results that hurt compression on some files).


broccoli-zopfli is, like broccoli-gzip, distributed under the MIT license.