0.0.16 • Published 1 year ago

@fxhash/cli v0.0.16

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1 year ago


The fx(hash) CLI exposes all toolkit features through a single CLI.

The usage of the CLI is totally optional for publishing art on the fx(hash) platform. The CLI only provides tools that should help you in the development process.


  • node >= 18.0.0
  • npm >= 9.0.0


npm install -g @fxhash/cli

Will install the package into your local environment making all commands accessible through script tags. Optionally you can install the package with -g flag to make it globally available in your terminal.


$ fxhash-create

Create a new project in a single step. The terminal will ask you to provide a name and you can choose one of the predefined templates.

$ fxhash-build [options]

Creates a bundled version the artwork. The output file will be called upload.zip and can be uploaded as it is on fxhash.xyz.


--minify Enable minification when creating the bundle. Default: false
--noZip Disable the zip file creation. Default: false
--srcPath The path to the source of the project. This is just relevant for ejected projects that actually have a nested structure. Default: /src

$ fxhash-dev [options]

Starts a development environment for the artwork. Each time fxhash dev is run the environment will check for updates and will keep itself up-to-date.


--portStudio The port fxlens is served on. Default: 3300
--portProject The port the project is served on. Default: 3301
--srcPath The path to the source of the project. This is just relevant for ejected projects that actually have a nested structure. Default: /src
--noLens Only serve the project. Don't start fxlens.

$ fxhash-update [options]

Will update the whole fxhash environment. It will download the latest version of fx(lens) and will also update the @fxhash/project-sdk inside of your project.


--srcPath The path to the source of the project. This is just relevant for ejected projects that actually have a nested structure. Default: /src

$ fxhash-eject

Will eject your project into a nested struture. It will copy all your code into a srcPath (Default: /src) and create a package.json file in the root of your project. This will allow you to configure any custom tooling you like while still being able to use the @fxhash/cli in your ejected project.


--srcPath The path to eject the code into. If you set a custom path here you also must specify this path to the other commands.

$ fxhash-add <package@version>

Install an existing libaries. Beside being a convenience feature. This ensure that you are reusing existing libraries from the onchfs, which reduces the costs of storing your project on-chain 😎.


--list Lists all existing libraries that can be imported
--inject Will also inject a <script /> tag into your projects html entry point pointing to the downloaded library

$ fxhash-capture [args]

With the capture command you can test your bundled project agains the fx(hash) capture module. For params token you currently must provide the inputBytes yourself. You can copy the inputBytes from the url when you are running the fxhash-dev command.


--zip The path (absolute or relative) to the project's zip file you want to create the capture of. Default: upload.zip
--hash The hash that is injected when the capture is taken. Default: random value
--minter The minter address that is injected when the capture is taken. Default: random value
--iteration The iteration number that is injeted when the capture is taken. Default: 1
--inputBytes The inputBytes that are injected when the capture is taken. Default: undefined
--x The width in pixels. Capped at 2560. Default: 800
--y The height in pixels. Capped at 2550. Default: 800
--trigger The trigger mode. Either DELAY or FN_TRIGGER. Default: delay
--delay The delay in ms for the trigger mode DELAY. Default: 3000
--selector The id of the canvas element to capture.

$ @fxhash/cli <command> [args]

The package also exposes a main entry-point where you can access each command respectively. Please note that you only write the actually command name when using the main entry point. So instead of $ fxhash-dev you can use $ @fxhash/cli dev.

Beside there is also the npx alias you can use with npx fxhash or install globally too. For more information see this link.

Configuration with .env

The CLI accepts a .env file in the root folder. The .env file allows you to configure all options of the CLI an store them for your project, e.g.


⚠️ Note: Arguments passed to the command will always override the variables set in the .env file