2.2.0 • Published 5 months ago

@galaxyops/nestjs-modules v2.2.0

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Last release
5 months ago


NestJsModules contains select reusable injectable NestJs modules for use in other packages, mainly pertaining to AWS workflows.


The modules are specific to workloads running on Amazon Web Services (AWS) and are as follows:

  • SnsService: A service for publishing AWS SNS messages.
  • S3Service: A service for interacting with objects in AWS S3.
  • MessageService: A service that uses a schema abstraction layer on top of SnsService to make publishing, subscribing, and testing events that adhere to a schema even easier.
  • MongooseModule In terms of object modeling, Mongoose is preferred over TypeORM due to TypeORM's limited support for MongoDB, which is more suited for relational database management systems (RDMS), making it somewhat cumbersome for MongoDB usage. Additionally, employing an ORM like TypeORM may introduce unnecessary complexity, aligning with the lambdalith architectural style.
  • rootMongooseModule: Makes interacting and testing with persistent data in MongoDB using Mongoose easier. Do not use this inside tests.
  • rootMongooseTestModule: Makes testing Mongoose easier using a MongoMemoryServer. Invoke closeInMongodConnection to close connection after each test or after all test within a file depending on need to clear test data.


  • Add a feature to make it easy to subscribe to events.
