AWS SDK for JavaScript
AWS SDK for JavaScript
The CDK Construct Library for AWS::SNS
CDK Subscription Constructs for AWS SNS
Serverless plugin to run a local SNS server and call lambdas with events notifications.
Create, deploy, and maintain next-generation AWS cloud function-based serverless infrastructure with full local, offline workflows, and more.
Runtime utility library for Functional Web Apps (FWAs) built with Architect (
AWS lambda router
 []( [ - a helpful library for Lambda-based static asset delivery
Check if a string is an AWS SNS Topic ARN
High-volume SQS poller
Publish messages to AWS SNS
Signs and prepares requests using AWS Signature Version 4
Architect standard ESLint configuration
create social share buttons on your site.
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Utility that converts various aws events to plain JavaScript object
Utility functions to help with performing blue/green and canary deployments in AWS infrastructure