A basic poller built on top of promises
A basic poller built on top of promises
A cancellable promise polling
High-volume SQS poller
A poller to swim easily to success status!
Yet another cron clone – but this one is better :o) - new improved syntax – milliseconds resolution – both for node JS and browser
High-volume SQS poller
Task scheduler with concurrency limits.
This promise pool keeps looping `Promise.all`'s promises until the last generator item is submitted to the processor.
Event driven external API poller designed for real-time applications
A lightweight node/browser polling machine
High-volume SQS poller
A promised based time bomb poller
Calls functions on an interval along os.time (for cross-server simultaneous calls)
A utility with sugar on top of the low-level online/offline events and the Page Visibility API
Simple Polling and Retry pattern for Node.
poll for annotations from external services, place them on packages
A 4chan board and thread monitor.
Polling aws simple queue messages.
A basic poller built on top of promises, based on the typescript.
Simple CLI REST API polling utility