Check if something is a generator function
Check if something is a generator function
Determine if a function is a native generator function.
Check whether a value is a generator or generator function
Node.js test runner that lets you develop with confidence.
Source transformer enabling ECMAScript 6 generator functions (yield) in JavaScript-of-today (ES5)
A small and magical composer for all JavaScript asynchronous.
Mutex locks for async functions
Source transformer enabling ECMAScript 6 generator functions (yield) in JavaScript-of-today (ES5)
Compose generator and async/await middleware
async/await for node.js
A set of yield handlers for Bluebird coroutines
An asynchronous yieldable version of JSON.stringify and JSON.parse
CSP channels with ES6 generators, inspired by Clojurescript's core.async and Go
ThinkJS - Use full ES6+ features to develop web applications
Chai assertions for iterable objects
Jasmine adapter to facilitate the use of ES6 generators via co.
get promises out of standard callback APIs
Drop-in BDD helpers for AVA test runner 🌠
Promise-wrapped Sift Science lib for yielding. Also supports regular callback functions.
transform any function to AsyncFunction!