A set of yield handlers for Bluebird coroutines
A set of yield handlers for Bluebird coroutines
CSP channels with ES6 generators, inspired by Clojurescript's core.async and Go
Library support for Kotlin coroutines
Asynchronous programming library utilizing coroutines, functional reactive programming and structured concurrency.
Generator executor for ECMAScript 6
JIT-friendly, multiparadigm asynchronous programming
Write Koa handlers as ƒ(request) -> response, like in Clojure/Ring. Supports automatic cancelation on client disconnect via Posterus futures and fibers.
helper for synchronize promise and callback and manage variables on Fiber Thread as ThreadLocal
This is an implementation of coroutines using generators and yield.
mysql2 wrappers for co
Easily create streams (and gulp plugins) w/generators
A library providing co-routine support to Javascript with optional translation from synchronous Javascript, with mutexes called executors
CSP style channels in JavaScript
Coroutine-friendly socket library for kotlin
Another CSP/channels/coroutines library for javascript
Embrace the power of coroutines to restrain side effects
Isomorphic Router on CSP channels
Promisify sync, async or generator function, using [relike][]. Kind of promisify, but lower level. Full compatibility with [co][]4 and passing 100% of its tests.
a simple lightweight coroutine runner
A modern web micro framework built on CSP design patterns